That’s devotion. Gorey illustrated covers for others’ books while working on his story to earn a living. The character he invented was called Mr. Earbrass. It took a while for his books to catch on, but they did. That led to a commission designing costumes and the sets for a Broadwa...
The Memoir Prize For Books! Now, in its 5th year, the Memoir Prize awards Memoir and Creative Nonfiction book length works of exceptional merit in the categories of traditional, self-publi... 3 Minute Read/Art/Being Body/Identity/Loss/Love/Man in The Mirror/Memoir/Survival MELANCHOLAI by ...
5th Grade Reading: Nonfiction Practice (Enhanced eBook)
Justin is whiz-bang at this, and I have a feeling that by the time we’re done with 9 Stetson Jeff books and he finishes the rest of his Trilogy, he’s going to be at a level we’d have to call masterful. So here is my review: Fire in the Dawn is set in a fantasy world ...
Reference & NonfictionMacmillan
5th Grade Reading Comprehension: Nonfiction (eBook)Debra J. Housel
5th Grade Writing: Nonfiction (Enhanced eBook)
5th Grade Reading Comprehension: Fiction and Nonfiction (eBook)
5th to 6th Grade English/Spanish Nonfiction: Read and Understand (Enhanced eBook)