找到引发 ValueError: None values not supported 的具体代码行。这通常可以通过查看错误消息的堆栈跟踪来完成。 3. 识别代码中哪里可能产生了 None 值 一旦你找到了引发错误的代码行,接下来要做的就是找出为什么那里会有 None 值。这可能是因为某个函数返回了 None,或者是因为某个变量在之前没有被正确赋值。 例如...
ValueError: Tried to convert 'input' to a tensor and failed. Error: None values not supported. 大致意思就是有的变量没有求得的梯度的value,这样后面这一步的时候,对于那个没有值的变量,就没法求loss。 grad1 = opt.compute_gradients(total_loss) 最终把修改为 side_weight0 = tf.get_variable('side...
If I write some tf/keras code that fails to include a label in the dataset, the resulting error message is:ValueError: None values not supported. The backtrace leads me throughoptree/ops.py. It's not clear from the message what theNonevalues are referring to, nor does the backtrace give...
Tensorflow Multi-GPU LSTM:ValueError: None values not supported 最近在使用multi-GPU LSTM做一些实验,但是总会遇到 None values not supported这个问题,查了好多资料,尝试了各种方法总算是解决了,一下是我总结的一些方法,希望能够帮助到大家。 在bilt_model()中调用定义的函数时不能使用tf.placeholder定义的tensor w...
raise ValueError("None values not supported.") ValueError: None values not supported. I have print the loss and self.model.trainable_weights. the loss is: -0.375 the self.model.trainable_weights: self.model.trainable_weights [<tf.Variable 'embedding_1/embeddings:0' shape=(39660, 300) dtype...
make_tensor_proto(values, dtype, shape, verify_shape, allow_broadcast) 437 else: 438 if values is None:--> 439 raise ValueError("None values not supported.") 440 # if dtype is provided, forces numpy array to be the type 441 # provided if possible.ValueError: None values not supported....
TensorFlow报错:Tried to convert ‘input‘ to a tensor and failed. Error: None values not supported.,尝试给placeholder赋值:input_placeholder=tf.placeholder(tf.int32,[batch_size,sequence_len],n
搜索得到一篇解答不错,https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45396699/tf-hessians-valueerror-none-values-not-supported# This is because in your graph, the nodelossdoes not depend on the nodetf.concat([W,b], axis=0). There is no backpropagation of one onto the other, and therefore no derivativ...
Tensorflow踩坑之tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn()报错 “ValueError: None values not supported.” **详细解决方法见链接:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39808336/tensorflow-bidirectional-dynamic-rnn-none-values-error** 主要原因:tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn()中的参数sequence_length必须设置...