(2009b) "Consumer Demand For Durable Goods, Nondurable Goods and Services". Journal of the Academy of Business and Economics. Vol. 9 (1) or the larger source document from whichit came: "Consumer Demand For Durable Goods, Nondurable Goods and Services". Rensselaer Working Paper in Economics,...
Separate macroeconomic consumption demand functions are developed and tested for (1) durable goods, (2) nondurable goods and (3) services. These are compared for consistency with econometric studies of total consumer demand. Key factors determining demand for these goods are tested using U.S. 1960...
Nondurable goods vs. durable goodsThe expected lifespan of a consumer good determines whether it is durable or nondurable. Consumer durables are purchased with the expectation that their useful life exceeds three years. Common examples of durable goods include home appliances, consumer electronics, ...
: able to exist for only a short time before deteriorating : not durable … nondurable products such as food, wine and personal care items. Suzanne S. Brownnondurability ˌnän-ˌdu̇r-ə-ˈbi-lə-tē -ˌdyu̇r- noun Scarves and some ornaments of clothing, such as...
Three years ago we presented the difference between the PPI of durable and nondurable goods and stated that one could predict its evolution at a several...
美国GDP: CI: 1992p: Non Farm: WT: Merchant: Non-durable Goods的相关指标 相关指标数值频率范围 国内生产总值:CI:1992年价格:非农业:WT:商人:非耐用品 (十亿美元)3.401999-06季1959-09 - 1999-06 国内生产总值:商业库存变化(CI):1992年价格 (十亿美元)7.40Jun ...
菲律宾 Consumer Price Index (CPI): Weights: MM: FH: GS: Non-Durable Household Goods的相关指标 加载更多 值得信任的宏观及微观经济数据 探索涵盖全球200多个经济体,20个行业和18个宏观经济部门,汇集2,200个来源的最完整的660万个数据库。 详细了解我们 ...
Durable goods (ResearchNondurable goods (ResearchSeparate macroeconomic consumption demand functions are developed and tested for (1) durable goods, (2) nondurable goods and (3) services. These are compared for consistency with econometric studies of total consumer demand. Key factors determining demand...
Separate macroeconomic consumption demand functions are developed and tested for (1) durable goods, (2) nondurable goods and (3) services. These are compared for consistency with econometric studies of total consumer demand. Key factors determining demand for these goods are tested using U.S. 1960...
nondurable goodspredictionPPIIt was demonstrated that the difference between the PPI of durable and nondurable goods can be predicted at a several year horizon. The prediction consists of three steps. First, we show that the difference between producer price index for durable and nondurable goods is...