Using non-duality to build a bulletproofspiritual egoto disguise an insecure and imbalanced human ego underneath, aka. what we can refer to aspseudo-enlightened megalomania(you’ll notice this quality coming out a lot in people on places like Reddit and YouTube, essentially arguing over who has...
As we look through the window of science into the deeper reality, we discover that we are all members of the same Being. In that discovery, we cannot help but experience great awe, profound humility, and deep reverence for the mystery of existence and this makes the scientific endeavor worth...
You are Not Separate Incomplete and Inadequate Bedeviled by a sense of incompleteness and inadequacy we seek to know what we are and why we are here. The time-tested ancient science of Vedanta definitively reveals immortal blissful self and ends the search to know the true meaning of life.Clic...