1. 无二分 入菩萨行讲义 附录2-名词汇集 -... ... NON-CONCEPTUAL STATE 无分别状态NON-DUALISTIC无二分NON-EXISTENCE 实… read.goodweb.cn|基于3个网页 2. 心识跟佛也一样是无二分 ...存在的话,众生已变成如来觉悟的心识;众生不用修行,心识跟佛也一样是无二分(non-dualistic)了,你们唯识瑜伽师还推...
Non-dualisticdoi:10.1007/978-94-024-0852-2_100585Mysticism (Buddhism)
Towards a nondualistic approach to multisystem illness. Am J Gastroenterol 2007;102:2777-80.Naliboff, B. D. (2007). Towards a nondualistic approach to multisystem illness. American Journal of Gastro-enterology, 102 , 2777–2780.Naliboff, B.D., Towards a nondualistic approach to multisystem ...
Such racial-dualistic frameworks are not only inadequate and ambiguous, but could be harmful on many levels. By utilizing a comparative analysis of Marxist dialectical-monist approach and a non-Marxist dualistic approach, I will contend the effectiveness of the former approach as being more ...
Physics - General PhysicsQuantum PhysicsAn interpretation of non-relativistic quantum mechanics is presented in the spirit of Erwin Madelung's hydrodynamic formulation of QM and Louis de Broglie's and David Bohm's pilot wave models. The aims of the approach are as follows: 1) to have a clear...
Geurts, Kathryn LinnHamline University College of Liberal ArtsKomabu-Pomeyie, Sefakor G. M. A.Enlightening and Empowering People with Disabilities in Africa (EEPD Africa) and World Learning Global Advisory CouncilSpringer International Publishing...
(2013) `In search of inclusive non-dualistic pedagogies through collaborative and affective learning events.' International Journal of Inclusive Education, 17 (6), pp. 584-96.Done, E., Murphy, M., & Irving, M. (2013). In search of inclusive non-dualistic pedagogies through collaborative and...
Pedigree of Dualistic and Non-Dualistic Media: Grasping Extramedial MeaningsThe article provides suggestions concerning the cultural relevance and embeddedness of dualist and non-dualist media and demonstrates that the presence or absence of certain types of media has extra-medial relevance that can ...
These artworks bring together the corporeality of nonhumans with their digital re-presentation and literary text with creative coding. The author inquires into dualistic and nondualistic ontological approaches to human-nonhuman relations in urban settings.Tasa, Umut...
The present paper presents a non-dualistic unified field theory (UFT) in the said conceptual framework as propounded by M. A. Tonnelat. By allowing the metric form ds2=g,dx dx and the non-degenerate two-form F=(1/2t)rdx dx to enter symmetrically into the theory we obtain a UFT ...