2) Convex optimization problem 凸优化问题 1. This paper discusses problems arising in system and control theory to a few standard convex optimization problems involving linear matrix inequality(LMI). 本文研究了出现在系统与控制理论中的一些标准的、包含线性矩阵不等式的凸优化问题。 更多例句>> 3) ...
Common methods for identifying global optimal points and values of nonconvex optimization problems are based on branch-and-bound ideas. This chapter presents the 伪 \\alpha BB method as an exemplary branch-and-bound procedure. One way to efficiently calculate the lower bounds required there is ...
Duchi, John C., and Feng Ruan. "Stochastic methods for composite and weakly convex optimization ...
Common methods for identifying global optimal points and values of nonconvex optimization problems are based on branch-and-bound ideas. This chapter presents the α \alpha BB method as an exemplary branch-and-bound procedure. One way to efficiently calculate the lower bounds required there is based...
近几年ICMl,NIPS 出现了许多Non-Convex Optimization的论文, 我虽然也在看Non-Convex Optimization,但是我仅在读论文的摘要和和老师交流的时候略微感受可能有这几个原因(不局限于): 1> Deep Learning 大部分的目标函数是Non-Convex的。 2> 如今出现了一些处理Non-Convex问题的理论技巧和方法。 但是具体为什么Non-...
On Nonconvex Optimization Problems with D.C. Equality and Inequality Constraintsd.c. functionsequalityinequality constraintsexact penaltylinearized problemglobal optimality conditionsKKT pointlocal serarchThe paper addresses the nonconvex nonsmooth optimization problem with the cost function and equality and ...
New existence results for some nonconvex optimization problemsWe present new existence results for a family of nonconvex variational boundary-value problems. Our method is based on an argument that has already been used in such problems, although only in a very partial fashion. In order to be ...
The LMI (linear matrix inequality)-based Hinfinity controller synthesis theory guarantees that if the controller is allowed to have the same order as the plant, and every system matrix of the controller is freely tunable, then the Hinfinity optimization problem can be solved by convex optimization...
The subject of this paper is a decomposition algorithm of the augmented price-type (Lagrange multiplier method) using the augmented Lagrange function for solving complex structured nonconvex optimization problems. The algorithms of that method known to date were applicable for problems with only equality...
分享者:林义尊博士 主题:Efficient Solvers for Non-smooth Convex Optimization Problems 时间:2022年6月2日(星期四)11:00 – 12:00 地点:暨南大学番禺校区暨伯学院三楼303会议室(食堂对面三层小楼) 报告人简介:林义尊,博士、暨南大学信息科...