They do not come into contact with the outer sphere. A rectified h.f. magnetic field is provided, the conductors being made from a metallic alloy and kept at very low temps., so as to be superconducting. They are excited by induction. The circuit contains very efficient capacitors with ...
Nonsingular van der Waals potentials are developed, from the newly established nonsingular intermolecular interactions by two of the present authors, for the following cases: two half spaces, two macroscopic spheres, a macroscopic sphere and a half space, a molecule and a half space, and a molec...
In order to obtain similarity solution, it is assumed that the viscosity of the fluid decays exponentially with temperature. The qualitative results are illustrated for a vertical flat plate, horizontal cylinder and sphere.doi:10.48550/arXiv.1309.7864Bagai, ShobhaNishad, ChandrashekharPhysics...
A solid sphere consists of a metal core, a non-conducting middle shell, and a metal outer shell. If a positive charge is placed on the core, where in the sphere will a net positive charge be found? ( )A.evenly distributed throughout the two metal regions
Slow flow of a conducting fluid past a non-conducting porous sphere of variable permeability in presence of a uniform radial magnetic field is studied. The drag experienced by the sphere is shown graphically and compared to that for a non-conducting fluid....
Bashtovoi V G; Reks A G.Electromagnetic Induction Phenomena for a Nonmagnetic Non-Eleetroconducting Solid Sphere Moving in a Magnetic Fluid.J Magn Magu Mater.1995.84-86Bashtovoi, V.G.; Reks, A.G. Electromagnetic induction phenomena for a nonmagnetic non-electroconducting solid sphere moving in...
Current and electric-field production near a nonconducting rotating sphere in a homogeneous plasma in a strong magnetic fieldMASCULINE,FEMININE AND ANDROGYNOUS SEX ROLES IN NIEVA´S THEATERTHE CASE OF CORONADA Y EL TORO, ArtículoNo Abstract available for this article....
Waals potentials are developed, from the newly established nonsingular intermolecular interactions by two of the present authors, for the following cases: two half spaces, two macroscopic spheres, a macroscopic sphere and a half space, a molecule and a half space, and a molecule and a sphere. ...
In this paper we present results of pulsed terahertz testing of various sandwich composite structures incorporating glass and basalt fibers based skin materials and spherecore and balsa wood based core materials. Various Time-Frequency Distributions (TFD) are utilized in order to obtain most valuable ...
For a nonprecessing sphere the magnetic fields are identical to the fields of a stationary sphere, but in addition there is an induced induction of order 2/c2 whose lines of force radiate in loops above and below the equator. The electric and magnetic induction field expressions were derived ...