Non-coding RNA Researchaims to publish high quality research and review articles on the mechanistic role of non-coding RNAs in all human diseases. This interdisciplinary journal will welcome research dealing with all aspects of non-coding RNAs-their biogenesis, regulation and role in disease … ...
Finally, we briefly discuss the advances in the ce RNA network in GC.Meng Zhang Xiang Du世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版)Zhang M, Du X. Noncoding RNAs in gastric cancer: research progress and prospects. World J Gastroenterol 22: 6610 -6618, 2016. doi:10. 3748/wjg.v22.i29.6610.Noncoding RNAs...
NoncodingRNA非编码RNA Repertor:XiaoningYuan Oct.9.2012 Page1 Irnne.MP,ChengG,Wieland.S,etal,2007 NoncodingRNA IntroductionClassificationResearchmethodMechanismTherelationshipwithmajordisease 1.Introduction NoncodingRNA(ncRNA)isakindoftranscriptswithouttheabilityofcodingproteins,which...
Research Long noncoding RNA LIPH-4 promotes esophageal squamous cell carcinoma progression by regulating the miR-216b/IGF2BP2 axis Yuhang Xiao, Jinming Tang, Desong Yang, Baihua Zhang, Jie Wu… Article:60 Download PDF (4537KB) View Article Review Small biomarkers with massive impacts: PI3...
HeLa cells were lysed, and total RNA was extracted by using the Quick-RNA™ Miniprep Kit (Zymo Research). For each sample, RNA was retro-transcribed into cDNA by using the GoScript™ Reverse Transcription System (Promega) and the expression of the target gene was assessed through Real-Tim...
Noncoding RNAs(ncRNAs) are functional RNA molecules without a protein-coding function; they can regulate cellular behavior and change the biological milieu of the tissue. The application of ncRNAs in tissue engineering is starting to attract increasing attention as a means of resolving a large ...
NoncodingRNA非编码RNA_生物学_自然科学_专业资料。Repertor:Xiaoning Yuan Oct.9.2012 Irnne.MP,Cheng G,Wieland.S,et al,2007 Noncoding RNA ? Introducti Repertor:Xiaoning Yuan Oct.9.2012 Irnne.MP,Cheng G,Wieland.S,et al,2007 Noncoding RNA ? Introduction ? Classification ? Research method ?
RNA Technologies in Cardiovascular Medicine and Research M. Szymański& J. Barciszewski 376Accesses Abstract The years following publication of the draft human genome sequence brought about a dramatic change in our understanding of the organization and expression of genetic information. Discoveries of new...
RNA Biol. 9, 703–719 (2012). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Schmitt, A. M. & Chang, H. Y. Long noncoding RNAs in cancer pathways. Cancer Cell 29, 452–463 (2016). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Mehta, A. & Baltimore, D. MicroRNAs as ...
circRNA是一类以共价封闭环为特征,广泛存在于真核生物中的新型RNA分子。CircRNA来源于基因的外显子或者内含子区域,在哺乳动物细胞中大量存在。现有研究表明大部分的circRNA在不同物种间是保守的。同时,由于其环状结构能抵抗RNase R的降解而比较稳定。circRNA由于其表达的特异性和调控的复杂性,以及在疾病发生中的...