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我去,给大家强烈推荐一个品牌noname space。刷pinterest觉得这些照片特别好看,想看看有没有作品集,,然后才发现这家店原来是个服装品牌,tb就可以搜到,模特图非常非常适合做角色设计参考和镜头类姿势的积累!分享给大家 û收藏 77 3 ñ47 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 ...
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🐛【转发】@Foggynoname_:NONAME SPACE“不被定义 无需定义” 2021/04/12零点转赞4.30抽2位各赠一件单品
It’s just stream-of-consciousness wordplay alluding to whatever she is—genderless, probably in outer space, just kind of vague and weird.” The song is a double entendre and testament to Noname’s creativity. But even deep in her subconscious, it betrays an inherent kind of optimism: for...
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Delö Taking in account the exquisite design with which Delö dresses up the private space, we carry out the development of an ... Jesse & Céline Jesse and Céline challenge us to build up a brand image which meant a new concept in the decoration articles ... ineder.com After we re...
At NoName Gallery, you’ll find contemporary works that won't compromise on style or impact—without the luxury price tag. It’s about discovering art that feels right for you, that speaks to your vibe, and that makes your space come alive. Welcome to art that’s accessible, authentic, ...
Noname has shared her first new song of the year, “RAINFOREST.” The Kount produced the track, which has vocals from Adam Ness. Hear “RAINFOREST” below. Noname’s next album, titled Factory Baby, is coming this year, although a release date has not yet been revealed. Noname released...