Schmid Mast M. On the importance of nonverbal communication in the physician-patient interaction. Patient Educ Couns 2007;67:315-8.Schmid Mast, M. (2007). On the importance of nonverbal communication in the physician-patient interaction. Patient Education and Counseling, 67, 315-318....
understand. As a nurse it is vital to make sure all the information is necessary to give out the best patient centred care. This cannot be done if there is no communication line with the patient. (Saha, S and Fernandez, A 2007) translating one word in other languages may be…show more...
Empirical studies on nonverbal communication in clinician—patient interaction are reviewed for both the psychotherapeutic and medical settings. Nonverbal behavior is considered both as the consequence of antecedent variables, such as individual or relationship characteristics, and as a predictor of clinical...
[Communication with patients--the effect of verbal and nonverbal communication on the unconscious patient] Communication, both verbal and non-verbal, is a greatly neglected skill at present. Two reasons given for this state of affairs are lack of time and lack of interest in others. Since it ...
Another doctor noted this ability to put together the puzzle pieces of a patient's verbal and non-verbal communication becomes intuitive: "How do you know what Aunt Martha looks like? Because you know what she looks like, you've seen her lots of times. I can't detail as to why I know...
Compassionate communication is the cornerstone of clinical care. Although most research has focused on outcomes of verbal communication, there is little research on non-verbal communication, which experts estimate is the predominant form of communication [1–4]. Positive non-verbal communication (NVC) ...
Non-verbal communication can provide a lot of information about the patient. If an individual becomes uncomfortable about an aspect of a question they may avoid eye contact. Outbursts of te 鼓励患者谈话通过给显示出头的偶尔的点头,您听着并且了解。 非语言的通信可能提供关于患者的很多信息。 如果个体...
Throughout human history, besides oral language, man has used other forms of communication which are known as non-verbal. From the three components of the basic structure of human communication, language, paralanguage and kinesthesia, we have chosen the last one, kinesthesia, to develop our proj...
No differences in accommodation were noted between gender-concordant and nonconcordant interactions. The importance of accommodation behavior in health care communication is considered from a patient-centered care perspective. 展开 关键词: UHPLC pharmaceuticals Environmental analysis mass spectrometry DOI: ...
(1984). Doctor-patient communication: Clinical implications of social scientific research.Journal of the American Medical Association, 252, 2441–2446. Google Scholar Waitzkin, H. (1985). Information giving in medical care.Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 26, 81–101. Google Scholar ...