We perform the first search for an isotropic non-tensorial gravitational-wave background (GWB) allowed in general metric theories of gravity in the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav) 12.5-year data set. By modeling the GWB as a power-law spectrum, we find ...
It is expected that the perturbed EMWs would distribute in very characteristic patterns that have never been predicted before, which may deliver and reflect the crucial information of the polarizations (tensorial and possible nontensorial) of the thermal-HFGWs and the particular features of the ...
Nontensorial Clenshaw-Curtis cubature, Numer. Algorithms 49 - Sommariva, Vianello, et al. - 2008 () Citation Context ... uniform norm and µ(Ω) = ∫ Ω dµ. Multivariate hyperinterpolation has been applied in various instances, as an valuable alternative to polynomial interpolation. ...
We perform the first search for an isotropic non-tensorial gravitational-wave background(GWB) allowed in general metric theories of gravity in the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves(NANOGrav) 12.5-year data set. By modeling the GWB as a power-law spectrum, we find...
tensorial surface anisotropyexcitationYIG filmsAs many as two non-propagating surface exchange modes, k pure imaginary, have been observed in YIG films. The degree of localization is influenced by the annealing sequence to which the film is subjected. The properties of these surface modes are ...
A non-landmark tensorial method has recently been developed.Preliminary investigations into the appropriateness of this non-landmark technique for studies of differential growth patterns was investigated in a system where few landmarks exist: the embryonic and fetal rat eye. The results agree well ...
Curiel, E. (2009) On Tensorial Concomitants and the Non-Existence of a Gravitational Stress- Energy Tensor, [arXiv:0908.3322].Curiel, E. (2009) On Tensorial Concomitants and the Non-Existence of a Gravitational Stress-Energy Tensor, [arXiv:0908.3322]....
Curiel, E. (2014): "On Tensorial Concomitants and the Non-Existence of a Gravitational Stress-Energy Tensor", http://arxiv.org/abs/0908.3322Curiel, E.: On tensorial concomitants and the non-existence of a gravitational stress-energy tensor. arXiv:0908.3322 [gr-qc]...
Tensorial constitutive models for disordered foams, dense emulsions, and other soft nonergodic materials. J Rheol 2004;48:193-207.Cates, M.E.; Sollich, P. Tensorial constitutive models for disordered foams, dense emulsions, and other soft nonergodic materials. J. Rheol. 2004, 48, 193-207....
N. N. TormakhovR. G. TerekhovKluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum PublishersInternational Applied MechanicsYu. N. Shevchenko, N. N. Tormakhov, and R. G. Terekhov, “On scalar functionals of nonlinear tensorial constitutive equations in the theory of plasticity for nonisothermal rectilinear processes ...