However, their effects on liver metabolisms are only marginally understood. In this study, high-resolution mass spectrometry-based global metabolomics and extracellular flux (XF) analysis were applied to characterize the cellular metabolome alterations and reveal the possible mechanisms of the metabolic ...
QTOFMSandGC-TOFMS.Astep-wisechangeofteametabolomewasobserved,wherecatechinsandoxidized products,flavonolglycosidesandaminoacidswereidentifiedaskeydiscriminatemetabolites.TheZuoQing processcomprisingalternatingYaoQingandTanQingstepswasdeemedmostcriticalforkeymetabolictrans- ...
The same could be true with the dog (Canis lupus familiaris), an important animal model of human disease, but its saliva metabolome is unknown. As a non-invasive sample, canine saliva could offer a new alternative material for research to reveal molecular mechanisms of different (patho)...
As one of the major microbes in the soy sauce fermentation, Candida versatilis enriches the flavor and improves the quality of soy sauce. In this study, a combination of five different GC-MS and LC-MS-based metabolome analytical approaches was used to analyze the intracellular, extracellular and...
The non-targeted metabolomics analysis of MuRF1−/−, MuRF2−/−, and MuRF3−/− hearts was initiated to investigate the hypothesis that MuRF1, MuRF2, and MuRF3 have a similarly altered metabolome, representing alterations in overlapping metabolic processes. Ventricular tissue was flash ...
Kopka J, Schauer N, Krueger S, Birkemeyer C, Usadel B, Bergmuller E, Dormann P, Weckwerth W, Gibon Y, Stitt M, Willmitzer L, Fernie AR, Steinhauser D (2005) GMD@CSB.DB: the Golm Metabolome Database. Bioinformatics 21(8):1635–1638. : 10.1093/bioinformatics/bti236...
investigated the influence of plucking positions on global green tea metabolome. They found more theanine, caffeine, and gallic acid in younger green tea leaf but lesser catechins accumulated in older green tea leaf. They concluded a reverse association between theanine and catechins levels (Lee et ...
Better risk prediction and new molecular targets are key priorities in type 2 diabetes (T2D) research. Little is known about the role of the urine metabolome in predicting the risk of T2D. We aimed to use non-targeted urine metabolomics to discover biomarkers and improve risk prediction for T2D...
A step-wise change of tea metabolome was observed, where catechins and oxidized products, flavonol glycosides and amino acids were identified as key discriminate metabolites. The ZuoQing process comprising alternating YaoQing and TanQing steps was deemed most critical for key metabolic transformation. ...
However, due to the complexity of the plant metabolome, accurate identification and quantification of compounds remain a huge challenge14,15. In this regard, the use of advanced analytical platforms, such as comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC ×...