Non-Synchronous-Vibration (NSV) in high-speed turbomachinery compressors is an aeroelastic phenomenon which can have devastating consequences, including loss of rotor blades. Despite extensive research over the past two decades its underlying mechanisms are not yet understood. This paper aims to explain...
The objectives of this research are to develop a high fidelity simulation methodology for turbomachinery aeromechanical problems and to investigate the mechanism of non-synchronous vibration (NSV) of an aircraft engine axial compressor. A fully conservative rotor/stator sliding technique is developed to ...
Multistage axial compressor first stage rotor blades have occurred non-synchronous vibration (NSV). An experiment, including fluid and structure measurements, is adopted at the NSV occurred conditions to conduct a detailed investigation about NSV and rotating instability. The blade vibration stress was ...
The complex tip flow instability and its induced non-synchronous vibration have become significant challenges, especially as aerodynamic loading continues to increase. This study investigates the effects of tip clearance on non-synchronous propagating flow disturbances of compressor rotors under high aerodynam...
Mining, road construction, and other projects mostly need blasting technology for excavation and construction; however, meeting the needs of said projects will at the same time inevitably produce a variety of hazardous effects [1,2,3] such as blasting vibration, blasting fly rock, and blasting sh...
The acoustic vibration measurement platform was provided by the Zhejiang Institute of Metrology (ZJIM). The microphone model was MPA416 (provided by Beijing Prestige Technology Co., Beijing, China). The acquisition instrument model was DH5922D (provided by Jiangsu Donghua Testing Technology Co., ...
The paper describes a synchronous generator model developed based on the multiple reference frame theory. The main physical phenomena included in the model are the machine armature non-sinusoidal voltage waveform and the influence of armature current in load conditions on the armature voltage waveform ...
Internal radial clearance (IRC) in roller bearings must be kept to a minimum to avoid non-synchronous vibration (NSV). However, tight IRC increases the risk of bearing durability so that initial clearance is often on the high side and then reduced if necessary when problems with NSV are ...
Aeroelastic vibration events in a transonic compressor observed as non-synchronous vibrations are investigated. These events occurred during a test campaign of a 3.5 stage transonic test compressor. The test was made in a wide range of operating conditions and non-synchronous vibrations occurred in ...
Yamagushi, N., Sato, T., Umemura, S., Ohwaki, T., "A Non-Synchronous Vibration of Moving Blades Coupled with the Bleed Chamber Resonance in an Axial Compressor", Takasago R&D Center, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.Yamaguchi N,Sato T,Umemura S,Ohwaki T.A non-synchronous vibration of moving ...