立即续费VIP 会员中心 VIP福利社 VIP免费专区 VIP专属特权 客户端 登录 百度文库 其他 non-static method cannot be called staticallynon-static method cannot be called statically:不能静态调用非静态方法 ©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销 ...
现在我们可以重新运行修改后的代码,并验证问题是否已经解决。如果代码能够顺利运行且没有报错,那么我们成功地解决了“Non-static method Redis::rPush() cannot be called statically”这个问题。 结论 通过按照以上步骤进行操作,我们可以解决“Non-static method Redis::rPush() cannot be called statically”这个问题。...
早上ytkah在配置laravel项目中出现Non-static method Redis::hGet() cannot be called statically错误提示,很显然这是redis出问题了,search了一下大概是因为PHP自带了redis拓展和predis冲突了导致的。打开composer.json看到确实有一个predis扩展,代码如下。那就好办了!有冲突就要进行调解!为了项目的完整和调试的方便,我们...
Non-Static method cannot be called statically, documentation says otherwise? I have an issue where i'm trying to add a scheduler for 2 of my jobs. My problem consists of me running php artisan schedule:run and it telling me that I can't run the scheduler due to it being...
Non static method 'table' should not be called statically.intelephense(1036) Intelephense 一直报这个错误, 但是代码:$res =Db::table($tablename)->where($where)->find(); 没有错误 进入vscode 设置:搜索intelephense languageConstraints关闭就不会提示了 ...
php5.3.13向PHP 5.4.4-12迁移时出现Non-static method should not be called statically的问题,在网上搜索了一下解决方法: Strict Standards: Non-static method should not be called statically 严格的标准:非静态方法不应该被静态调用 我的解决办法:
getDSNString 方法改成static的就可以了 public static String getDSNString()
I am so lost with how to get this working. All I want to do is to be able to call a function from another class and return the value. in livewire component use Livewire\Component; use App\Actions\Broadcast\GetCurrentActiveTimeSlotAction; class Displ
这是一个关注PHP技术的个人博客,提供一个互联网从业者的学习成果和工作经验总结。 Non-static method Redis::set() cannot be called statically
Redis扩展冲突导致:Fatal error: Non-static method Redis::keys() cannot be called statically 如果你是通过 PECL 安装 Redis PHP 扩展,则需要重命名 config/app.php 文件里的 Redis 别名。 方法1、在每个使用use Redis;的文件中,我们改为use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redis;即...