目前能找到的Non-Rigid ICP的工具有两个,一个是Wrap4D,但这是一个完全商用的软件,需要付费,而且在数据要批处理的时候很麻烦;另一个是menpo3d的Non-rigid ICP,但是menpo3d给的实现完全是在CPU上跑的,非常非常的慢。鉴于以上两点,写了一个GPU加速版的Non-Rigid ICP,已经开源。 开源链接: pytorch-nicpgithub...
非刚性配准: 匹配模块与场景,获得模板的空间变换, 包括刚体变换和缩放 应用场景 医学应用 数字制造 生物学 非刚性配准是刚性配准(ICP)的变种 典型方法 ICP改进 统计 抗噪声和非模板点 快速收敛
因为每个部分必须有足够的特征和足够小的POS错误才能完成第二步的ICP注册。 第二步的目的是获得通信。同时考虑算法的准确性、鲁棒性和效率,为此提出了一种两步ICP算法。点对点ICP的应用是因为它对不同几何情况的鲁棒性(Rusinkiewicz和Levoy 2001)。根据实际情况,也可以采用其他一些ICP变体(Rusinkiewicz and Levoy 200...
Non-rigidisometric ICP:A practical registration method for the analysisand compensation of form errors in production engineering[J].Computer-Aided Design,2011(43):1758-1768.Sacharow, A., et al., 2011. Non-rigid isometric ICP: a practical registration method for the analysis and compensation of ...
Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit History 11 Commits data demos NormDirection.m README.md nricp_landmarks.m test.m nricp is a MATLAB implementation of a non-rigid variant of the iterative closest point algorithm. It can be used to register 3D surface...
Non-rigid ICP (Iterative Closest Points) A modified, robust version of non-rigid Iterative closest point algorithm for deforming meshes to fit noisy point clouds Also contains nicp_meshes.py, which registers a template to another mesh, a slightly improved version of the method proposed in: "Ambe...
The classical affine iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm is fast and accurate for affine registration between two point sets, but it is easy to fall in
We show how to extend the ICP framework to nonrigid registration, while retaining the convergence properties of the original algorithm. The resulting optimal step nonrigid ICP framework allows the use of different regularisations, as long as they have an adjustable stiffness parameter. The registration...
本文在变形中提出了coarse-to-fine策略,先在低分辨率(简化的模型)使用 ICP算法拟合,不断提高分辨率直至原始分辨率,这么做的好处是在低分辨率快速实现整体变形(global deformation)的拟合,当分辨率提高时,只需要少量迭代就能完善细节(high-frequency detail)。
https://github.com/charlienash/nricp ![face demo] (https://github.com/charlienash/nricp/blob/master/demos/faceDemo.jpg) nricp is a MATLAB implementation of a non-rigid variant of the iterative closest point algorithm. It can be used to register 3D surfaces or point-clouds. The method ...