nonradiative-decay网络非辐射衰变;非辐射蜕变 网络释义 1. 非辐射衰变 ... non-ohmic material 非欧姆材料 nonradiative decay 非辐射衰变 nonradiative generation 非辐射产生 ...|基于3个网页 2. 非辐射蜕变 白光OLED照明 White... ... 非自旋对称 anti-symmetry 33 非辐射蜕变 nonrad...
6) radiationless deactivation(decay) 无辐射衰减补充资料:无辐射衰减 分子式:CAS号:性质:又称无辐射衰减。不通过发射光子或化学反应而失去电子激发能的过程。 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。参考词条辐射屏蔽衰减率 辐射衰减系数 自发辐射衰减 云的辐射衰减 大气辐射衰减 辐射衰减测量 同步辐射...
1) nonradiative decay 非辐射衰变2) radiative decay 辐射衰变1. The flavor-changing raciative B decays and flavo-conserving radiative decays of groundstate mesons are studied with another screened potential model. 利用屏蔽位对基态介子辐射衰变宽度进行了计算。
Ferreira, JAB, Costa, SMB (2005) Non-radiative decay in rhodamines: role of 1:1 and 1:2 molecular complexation with b-cyclodextrin. J Photochem Photobiol A: Chem 173: pp. 309-318Ferreira JAB, Costa SMB (2005) Non-radiative decay in rhodamines: role of 1:1 and 1:2 molecular ...
1) Non-radiative decay rate 无辐射跃迁速率2) nonradiative transition 无辐射跃迁3) non radiative quantum transition 无辐射量子跃迁4) radiative transition rate 辐射跃迁几率1. The optical intensity parameters have been used to calculate the radiative transition rate (2167. 用该参量计算钕离子激发态...
(lower panels). Panelbis a schematic of the non-radiative decay process in a semiconductor. It consists of diffusion (1), trapping (2) and recombination (3). Each of these steps could be thermally activated. Diffusion to the quenching site can be limited due to a disordered lattice ...
Non-radiative decay channels of B Is core exciton in h-BNNo AbstractShimada, H.Matsubayashi, N.Imamura, M.Sato, T.Kakudate, Y.Fujiwara, S.Nishijima, A.JOURNAL OF ELECTRON SPECTROSCOPY AND RELATED PHENOMENA
Non-radiative decay processes of the intramolecular charge transfer state in a rigid bichromophoric systemExperimental/ charge transfer statesmolecular excited statesmolecular fluorescencenonradiative transitionsorganic compoundsphosphorescencephotoacoustic spectratime resolved spectra/ nonradiative decay processes...
1) Non-radiative decay rate 基态非辐射衰变率 2) ground state 基态 1. Structure and potential energy function of theground state(X~1∑~+) of NaH; NaH分子基态(X~1∑~+)的分子结构与势能函数 2. Fine-structure of theground stateof fluorine-like atoms; ...