Non-Potentially Hazardous Foodsdoi:NSF 75-2000目的:本标准将提供试验方法和评估标准,以确定产品不需要储存在冰箱中以确保安全.本标准旨在提供实验室证据的机制,以证明不会发生传染性或毒性微生物的快速渐进生长.本标准未提供确定食品是否掺假的方法或手段.本标准仅适用于范围中所示的项目.并不意味着被排除在本标准...
If you are selling or serving food to the public, a license from TCHD is required.Some exceptions include:• Coffee• Bottled or canned beverages• Pre-packaged non-potentially hazardous foods such as chips and candy• Non-potentially hazardous pastries and bagels that have been prepared ...
food safetyindustryhealthenvironmental healthIn the past, FDA issued official opinion letters allowing or disallowing the non-refrigerated display of pies that were traditionally considered to be potentially hazardous (requiring temperature control) but were reformulated to be non-potentiallyhazardous through...
Participants attending the 1996 Conference for Food Protection meeting, recommended that FDA work with a third party to develop a standard containing written specific criteria for challenge testing products traditionally considered to be potentially hazardous foods. Standard 75, published as a Draft ...