1. 解释什么是"100501 exception"错误 "100501 exception" 是一个非Oracle标准错误码,通常出现在Oracle应用系统中,特别是与Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) 或其他Oracle应用产品相关的环境中。这个错误表明在程序执行过程中遇到了一个非Oracle标准异常,这通常是由于自定义代码、触发器或存储过程中的逻辑错误导致的。错...
ORA-100501 is the error returned when you trap aRaise Form_Trigger_Failurein an exception handler. Somewhere in your program unit, you have coded Exception... when others then... Coding "Exception when others" is a bad idea. I have NEVER coded that phrase in a form. Take it out EVERY...
--- 24311: 100501: non-ORACLE exception Steps to reproduce: 1. Select a DCI, and then choose Special â DCI Layout â Generate Provisional DCI Form from the menu. 2. After clicking generate, the 1st error will pop up. Is this a bug or a setup issue?SolutionSign ...
ORA-100501 is the error returned when you trap ain an exception handler. Somewhere in your program unit, you have coded Exception... when others then... Coding "Exception when others" is a bad idea. I have NEVER coded that phrase in a form. Take it out EVERY PLACE in your form, and...
ORA-100501: non-ORACLE exception ORA-100501 is the error returned when you trap a Raise Form_Trigger_Failure in an exception handler.Somewhere in your program unit, you have codedException... when others then...Coding "Exce exception ORA 原创 baser 2016-06-12 14:47:12 6554阅读 ...
InvalidOperationException 连接不存在。 或 连接未打开。 注解 可以使用 ExecuteOracleNonQuery 来执行目录操作, (例如查询数据库的结构或创建数据库对象(例如表) );或者,通过使用 执行 UPDATE、INSERT 或 DELETE 语句来更改数据库中的数据,而无需使用 DataSet。 ExecuteOracleNonQuery 与ExecuteNonQuery 不...
The following exception is raised when obtaining a connection from a non-XA Oracle datasource after the datasource was created using the JBoss EAP web console: Raw ... Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Invalid Oracle URL specified: OracleDataSource.makeURL at oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource....
org.springframework.dao.DataAccessResourceFailureException: PreparedStatementCallback; SQL [update joblog set job_log_data = ? where job_id = ? ]; IO Error: Socket read timed out; nested exception is java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: IO Error: Socket read timed out ...
Error is: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.annotation.PreDestroy cannot be found by org.eclipse.e4.core.di_1.6.100.v20170421-1418 Is there a way to make EZ PD protocol analyzer working with a non Oracle JAVA distribution? Solved! Go to Solution. Like Subscribe 208 0...
public XNonReportableRuntimeException(String resourceID, Object... arguments) Create and format and exception and it's message string. Parameters: resourceID - The resource ID used to format the message. arguments - The arguments used to format the exception....