The open quantum system can be described by either a Lindblad master equation or a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian(NHH).However,these two descriptions usually have different exceptional points(EPs),associated with the degeneracies in the open quantum system.Here,considering a dissipative quantum Rabi model,...
where the Majorana wavefunctions are given by uσL(x)=[uσ(x)+vσ∗(x)]/2 and uσR(x)=−i[uσ(x)−vσ∗(x)]/2. In terms of the spinors uL,R(x)=(u↑L,R,u↓L,R), the effective model parameters are given by the relation ...
Fig. 2: Critical non-Hermitian skin effect and finite-size scaling in the model of two coupled Hatano–Nelson chains. aThe two-chain model [Eq. (3)] with hopping asymmetry in chainsa,bdenoted byδa/b, and on-site energy offset ±V. A small inter-chaint0can cause significant coupling ...
We apply the scheme to calculate the $S$ matrix elements up to the second order in the ratio between the Rabi frequency and the laser detuning. We also obtain, for this simplified multichannel model, the asymmetric line shapes of photoassociation spectroscopy, and the modification of the ...
We illustrate the working of this method for a simple Hermitian Rabi-type model by relating it to a non-Hermitian time-independent system corresponding to the one-site lattice Yang-Lee model.Andreas FringThomas FrithDepartment of Mathematics City University of London Northampton Square London EC1V ...
(rapidly switching) ones. These two cases have different dynamic features—kinks and Rabi oscillations, respectively,—which condition the propagation characteristics of the wave fronts. Introduction of disorder governed by external pumping results in a number of easily noticeable novel features, such as...
We find below that our FQC model with a Rabi driving reproduces these features, with the emergence of sidebands at the Rabi frequency in the FQC population. As in the DCE, the external drive provides energy to the system, which eventually leaks into the continuum. To analyze this effect, ...
In this work, the construction of our system can be viewed as a non-Hermitian extension of the model studied in Ref. [84], and will be referred to as the non-Hermitian periodically quenched two-leg ladder (PQTLL). The time-dependent Hamiltonian of the non-Hermitian PQTLL model takes ...