Nitric oxidePhytochemical investigation on the 70% aqueous EtOH extract from the roots of Patrinia scabra led to the isolation and characterization of five new non-glycosidic iridoids, patriscabrins F-J (1-5), along with a known iridoid 11-ethoxyviburtinal (6). The structures of the new ...
Non-glycosidic iridoids from Cymbaria mongolica. Phytoche- mistry 2002, 59, 537-542.Jing-Qiu D, Zhong-Li L, Li Y. Non-glycosidiciridoids from Cymbaria mongolica. Phytochemistry. 2002;59:537-42.Dai, J.-Q.; Liu, Z.-L.; Yang, L. Non-glycosidic iridoids from Cymbaria mongolica. Phyto...
iridoidsantifungalactivity.The aqueous alcohol extract of the leaves of Alibertia macrophylla afforded two epimeric pairs of iridoid aglycones and one of them showed high inhibitory activity against Aspergillus niger, Cladosporium sphaerospermum, C. cladosporioides and Colletotrichum gloesporioides. Three ...
chemical constituents of plants, stereochemistry, spectral analysis, molecular conformation, chemical structure, iridoids, GaliumA new non-glycosidic iridoid, macedonine, was isolated from Galium macedonicum. The structure, stereochemistry and conformation were determined by spectral methods and molecular ...
The fresh leaves after wilted over fire or the poultices prepared are directly applied externally to heal burns, edema, eczema, urticarial and abscess. Two iridoids were recently isolated (sambulin A, sambulin B) from the leaves of S. ebulus.Balkan, Irem AtayAkulke, Ayca Zeynep IlterBagatur,...
mitogen activated protein kinases, nitric oxide, edema, traditional medicine, sambulin A and B, Sambucus ebulus, interleukin-6, iridoids, abscess, inducible nitric oxide synthase, anti-inflammatory activity, mitogen-activated protein kinase, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, macrophages, leaves, enzyme-...