Non-galling bearing alloy of silver in nickel basenon-galling bearing alloy of silver in nickel basedoi:US3145099 AParana William JUSUS3145099 * 1961年5月22日 1964年8月18日 Waukesha Foundry Co Non-galling bearing alloy of silver in nickel base...
1) non-bubble singalling 无泡吹除信号装置2) auto blow off equipment 自动吹除装置3) signal equipment 信号装置 1. КЛУБ-У-E signal equipment and its application for type KZ4A locomotive; КЛУБ-У-E型机车信号装置及其在KZ4A型机车上的应用 更多例句>> ...
A. 1988. Do galls protect endophytic herbivores from parasitoids? A comparison of galling and non-galling Diptera. Ecol. Entomol. 13: 473Ð477.Hawkins BA 1988. Do galls protect endophytic herbi- vores from parasitoids? A comparison of galling and non-galling Diptera. Ecological Entomology 13:...
1. The process of making a threaded member, the metallic constituents of which consist essentially of titanium, and which will be substantially non-galling when threadedly engaged with a complementarily threaded member; said process comprising the steps of introducing into a mold a metallic powder ...
Provided is a method for increasing anti-galling of parts using a coating material comprising an amorphous alloy. The parts may be a vehicle or machine component, for example, that are subject to frictional and sliding forces. The disclosed coating reduces galling and friction between surfaces, ...
Provided is a method for increasing anti-galling of parts using a coating material comprising an amorphous alloy. The parts may be a vehicle or machine component, for example, that are subject to frictional and sliding forces. The disclosed coating reduces galling and friction between surfaces, ...
Provided is a method for increasing anti-galling of parts using a coating material comprising an amorphous alloy. The parts may be a vehicle or machine component, for example, that are subject to frictional and sliding forces. The disclosed coating reduces galling and friction between surfaces, ...
Candy-cane stems not so sweet: ducking goldenrod stems have altered chemical defenses against non-galling herbivoresAnjel Helms
Cassar, Non-destructive characterisation of iron gall ink drawings: not such a galling problem, Talanta 81 (2010) 412e417, j.talanta.2009.12.017.Strlič M, Cséfalvayová L, Kolar J, Menart E, Kosek J, Barry C, Higgitt C, Cassar M (2010) Non-...