The wastewater oleoresin processing is acidic, and contains concentrated non biodegradable pollutants. 松脂加工废水呈酸性,污染物浓度高, 生物难降解. 来自互联网 2. ATC waste liquid has such characteristics as high CODcr, high salinity and non biodegradable. ATC废液具有高COD, 高含盐量,以及难生物降解的...
A self-sustaining non-biodegradable waste breakdown system has a preprocessing assembly, a heating assembly, a reaction assembly and a filtering assembly. The reaction assembly has a filtering layer to retain long chain molecules of the melted waste for continuous breakdown so as to change the long...
英文-土耳其文字典 bakterilere ayrışmayan atık lugatci 显示算法生成的翻译 将“nonbiodegradable waste"自动翻译成 土耳其文 biyolojik olarak bozulmayan atıklar Glosbe Translate 错误 Google Translate 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“nonbiodegradable waste"翻译成 土耳其文 ...
英 adj.(物质或化学品)不可生物降解的 网络不能生物降解;生物不可降解的;不能生物降解的 权威英汉双解 英汉 网络释义 non-biodegradable adj. 1. (物质或化学品)不可生物降解的,非生物降解的a substance or chemical that isnon-biodegradablecannot be changed to a harmless natural state by the action of...
Plastic waste and household waste are a major source of pollution. In our day to day life, plastics become more unpreventable. It generates around 0.2 to 0.3 million tons of waste every day. Waste is an unwanted material that has no value in normal use. The management of wastes assumes ...
英汉-汉英词典 adj.不能生物降解的 英语例句库 1.ATC waste liquid has such characteristics as high CODcr, high salinity andnonbiodegradable. ATC液具有高COD,高含盐量,以及难生物降解的特点。 2.Nonbiodegradable pollutants, such as certain chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides (e.g.DDT) and heavy metals,...
The results of the present investigation indicates that plastics carry bags, milk/oil bags, plastic bottles, footwear and automobile tyres/tubes are some of the prominent NBDSW materials responsible for solid waste pollution along the Vasai Creek. The results also suggest the need to enforce ...
Not long ago,a report on the China Industrial Economic Information Network (中国工业经济信息网) mentioned that China's annual plastic production is 30 million tons,while consumption(消费量) is more than 6 million tons.China's annual plastic waste is more than 1 million tons and brings a lot...
Non-biodegradable material does not decay (腐烂)or dissolve (溶解)away by natural forces.非生物降解材料不会因自然力而腐烂或溶解。2. reusable/recyclable material可重复使用的可回收材料When recyclable material is not disposed of correctly, it may add to the mass of polluting waste...
China's plastic wasteevery year is more than 1 million tons and brings a lot of17 to the farmland.There was no plastic bag in the world. Gradually,so much people use it that form a(n)18_ habit. Butto protect peoples living 19, everyone should play arole in banning plastic bag. We...