Peer reviewBackground: Our aim is to highlight the benefits and limitations of open and non-anonymized peer review. Our argument is based on the literature and on responses to a survey on the reviewing process of alt.chi, a more or less open review track within the so-called Computer ...
This code produces the non-anonymized version of the CNN / Daily Mail summarization dataset, as used in the ACL 2017 paperGet To The Point: Summarization with Pointer-Generator Networks. This is a modification of the scripts to output raw text as opposed to tensorflow binaries. ...
Leaked TSA documents reveal New York airport's wave of security lapses US government pushed tech firms to hand over source code Millions of Verizon customer records exposed in security lapse Meet the shadowy tech brokers that deliver your data to the NSA ...
A universal tool for translating sensitive production database dumps into anonymized copies. - rwnx/pynonymizer
On the awareness of the dynamism pertaining to data and its processing, this paper investigates the problem of having two mutually exclusive definitions of personal and non-personal data in the legal framework in force. The taxonomic analysis of key terms and their context of application highlights...
The core of the blockchain model assures non-repudiation possible by any of the involved information producers thus maintaining ledger fidelity of the enclosed historical process information. One important side effect of this data infrastructure is that it can be accessed in open form, for research ...
This code produces the non-anonymized version of the CNN / Daily Mail summarization dataset, as used in the ACL 2017 paper Get To The Point: Summarization with Pointer-Generator Networks. It processes the dataset into the binary format expected by the code for the Tensorflow model. Python 3 ...
This code produces the non-anonymized version of the CNN / Daily Mail summarization dataset, as used in the ACL 2017 paperGet To The Point: Summarization with Pointer-Generator Networks. It processes the dataset into the binary format expected by thecodefor the Tensorflow model. ...
Anonymized Distributed PHR Using Blockchain for Openness and Non-repudiation Guarantee: 22nd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2018, Porto, Portugal, September 10–13, 2018, ProceedingsBlockchainData privacy...
Our aim is to highlight the benefits and limitations of open and non-anonymized peer review. Our argument is based on the literature and on responses to a survey on the reviewing process of alt.chi, a more or less open review track within the so-called Computer Human Interaction (CHI) co...