non-— ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) Special thanks must go to Mr. MosesAbelian,whois now moving on from the post of Secretary of the Committee after seven years and whose wisdom and tireless efforts on behalf[...]
non-abelian网络非阿贝尔;色荷是非阿贝尔式的;于非阿贝尔 网络释义 1. 非阿贝尔 正 由于非阿贝尔(non-Abelian)规范场方程是非线性的,因此它存在一种无源的孤子(Soliton)解和瞬子(Instanton)解。自从't Hooft …|基于32个网页 2. 色荷是非阿贝尔式的 QGP则成为普通浆体(电浆)的类比。此外...
对于二次方项,就像描述电磁场时一样,它描述了一个无质量的规范玻色子(nonabelian gauge boson,Yang-Mills boson,gluon)作为强相互作用的媒介(类似于光子在电磁场中的角色)。而对于三次方和四次方项,在电磁场中则没有类比,属于玻色子的self-interaction。总的来说,满足规范不变性的拉氏量可以写成如下形式: \\\...
Non-abelian Cohomology I: TorsorsAlkaid 数学话题下的优秀答主81 人赞同了该文章 这篇文章的内容主要是关于非交换上同调的,这里我们会介绍低阶(1阶跟2阶)非交换上同调群的分类,1阶使用的是 torsors,2阶使用的对象会复杂很多,它是 gerbes。在这篇文章中关于 sheaf 时我们考虑的 base category 一般会是...
Non-Abelian braiding has attracted substantial attention because of its pivotal role in describing the exchange behaviour of anyons—candidates for realizing quantum logics. The input and outcome of non-Abelian braiding are connected by a unitary matrix
(that is, non-local) measurements. As the braiding of non-Abelian anyons in this platform is achieved through unitary gate control rather than adiabatic evolution of a Hamiltonian system, we note that the anyons are not quasiparticles in the sense of eigenstates that persist throughout a ...
Non-abelian Cheshire cat models are investigated in their lagrangian and hamiltonian formulations. The lagrangian bag boundary conditions are used to derive the form of non-abelian soliton operators, through which fermions are represented in bosonic language. These soliton operators are then used to ...
We discuss the non-Abelian world-volume action which governs the dynamics of N coincident Dp-branes. In this theory, the branes' transverse displacements are described by matrix-valued scalar fields, and so this is a natural physical framework for the appearance of noncommutative geometry. One exa...
Number theory currently has at least three different perspectives on non-abelian phenomena: the Langlands programme, non-commutative Iwasawa theory and anabelian geometry. In the second half of 2009, experts from each of these three areas gathered at the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge to explai...
Examination of a biduality theorem on Stein complex spaces.KosarewSiegmundAmerican Journal of MathematicsS. Kosarew, Nonabelian duality on Stein spaces, Amer. J. Math. 120 (1998), 637-648.