正 由于非阿贝尔(non-Abelian)规范场方程是非线性的,因此它存在一种无源的孤子(Soliton)解和瞬子(Instanton)解。自从't Hooft … wiki.cnki.com.cn|基于32个网页 2. 色荷是非阿贝尔式的 QGP则成为普通浆体(电浆)的类比。此外尚有些不相似之处,肇因於色荷是非阿贝尔式的(non-Abelian),而电荷是阿贝尔 …...
代数拓扑中带各种参数的同调理论都可以转化为带层参数的层上同调理论,因此下面我们开始考虑层上同调,同样我们从最简单的情况开始,即从 abelian sheaf 开始。(这里我们都默认 sheaf 是定义在 site 上的。) 根据Tohoku 里面的结论,利用 abelian category 上的同调代数,对于任意一条 abelian sheaf 的正合链: 0\right...
non-— ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) Special thanks must go to Mr. MosesAbelian,whois now moving on from the post of Secretary of the Committee after seven years and whose wisdom and tireless efforts on behalf[...] daccess-ods.un.org
1.如果是U(1)变换,则F_{\mu\nu}表达式中的对易子为零,A_{\mu}为Abelian gauge potential。 2.对于一般的SU(N)变换,更常用生成元T^a来表示转动U(adjoin representation): \\U=e^{i\theta\cdot T}=e^{i\theta^a T^{a}}\approx1+i\theta^a \cdot T^{a} 其中最后的约等于号是无穷小转动的...
推广至场论,需要引入规范势Gauge potential以处理局域规范对称性。拉格朗日量形式化为[公式],对于复标量场,协变微分是关键,它确保了规范不变性。非阿贝尔情况下,规范势的非交换性质导致了field strength的构造,比如Yang-Mills场强度。同位旋理论中,通过扩展到N个内禀自由度,拉格朗日量和规范势矩阵化,...
1) non-Abelian 非可换 2) non commutative rings 非可换环 1. In this paper, we give the sufficient and necessary condition for the existence ofnon commutative ringsof order n, and discuss the non-commutative rings of lower order. 本文给出了存在n阶非可换环的充要条件,并讨论了低阶非可换环...
An explicit lattice realization of a non-Abelian topological memory is presented. The correspondence between logical and physical states is seen directly by use of the stabilizer formalism. The resilience of the encoded states against errors is studied and compared to that of other memories. A set...
(that is, non-local) measurements. As the braiding of non-Abelian anyons in this platform is achieved through unitary gate control rather than adiabatic evolution of a Hamiltonian system, we note that the anyons are not quasiparticles in the sense of eigenstates that persist throughout a ...
Non-Abelian braiding has attracted substantial attention because of its pivotal role in describing the exchange behaviour of anyons—candidates for realizing quantum logics. The input and outcome of non-Abelian braiding are connected by a unitary matrix
Non-Abelian T-dualization of U(1) (0, 2) 2D GLSMs is implemented for models that arise as a reduction from the (2, 2) case; we study a model with U(1) gauge symmetry and SU(2) global symmetry. It is shown that for a positive definite scalar potential, the dual vacua to P1 ...