Psychology definition for Non-Zero-Sum Game in normal everyday language, edited by psychologists, professors and leading students. Help us get better.
Interestingly, nine participants with amblyopia (64%) and four (50%) participants with strabismus have values of zero or near-zero for μFE, a phenomenon not demonstrated to the same extent by participants in the other groups. μAE (suppression of the amblyopic by the fellow eye) was not ...
When investigating why the enigmatic "fire" of physical consciousness exists, perhaps the fundamentalqualia-fieldsof a quantum vacuum, perhaps we might explore some kind of zero ontology as the ultimate logico-physical principle underlying reality, with the field values of the world's hypothetical fun...
“Hate is a waste of time, unless you have a gun in your hands, headed into a firefight” Penguin Dictionary of Psychology defines hate as a “deep, enduring, intense emotion expressing animosity, anger, and hostility towards a person, group, or object.” Because hatred is believed to be ...
[16] evaluated a two-person zero-sum matrix game, in which the elements of the payoff matrix are stated as triangular intuitionistic fuzzy numbers. The authors created two intuitionistic fuzzy programming models for each player. Then, to solve these problems, the authors obtained crisp values of...
In the context of frequency data, the definition (2) of C needs to be extended in order to meet its unique data structure (see Ponnet et al. (2021) for more details). In short, three groups of policies are defined: policies that experienced zero events, one event and two events or ...
Additionally, the specific aggression measures were associated with the outcomes, with the TAP (six out of nine), PSAP (one out of one), HSP (one out of one), BP-AQ (two out of two), and SOP (one out of two) showing sensitivity to stimulation effects, whereas the VDT (zero out ...
The package provides three measures: an (uncorrected) raw value of MI (MI–raw), a Jackknife bias-corrected MI (MI–cor), and a Z-score of bias-corrected MI that provides a statistic for the null-hypothesis that the bias-corrected MI is zero (MI–Z)....
A multi-objective bi-matrix game model based on fuzzy goals is established in this paper. It is shown that the equilibrium solution of such a game model problem can be translated into the optimal solution of a multi-objective, non-linear programming prob