Inexperienced interviewers and lack of verbatim transcription affects reliability of direct quotes. The study identified four themes:1. Systems and structural issues2. Interactions with clinicians/staff3. Perceptions of clinician knowledge and education4. Impact on future healthcare accessExperiences were ...
All participants' speeches were recorded and transcribed verbatim. In both tasks, participants were informed that "mental states" referred to infants' thinking and feeling (i.e., any- thing going through the infant's mind). Participants were instructed that the experimenters were interested in ...
FW conducted the first interview by phone to establish the interview protocol and summarized the interview. SL interviewed the other five participants and wrote detailed summary with partial verbatim transcription for each of the six interviews. SL applied for a grant, and had the six interviews ful...
Notes were taken for one interview, the remainder were recorded with permission and transcribed verbatim. Participants were given their transcripts to review, and were sometimes asked further questions or for clarification. Some quotes and sections were confirmed with some participants during reporting on...
They were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. After completion of the data acquisition the transcription of the interviews was read independently by two researchers (TH and TW). Identification of categories was undertaken independently by the same researchers and analysis results were merged ...
All interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed at verbatim unless participants objected. In the latter case, hand written notes were made and a detailed transcription was sent back to the participant for verification (n = 1). Interviews were conducted by one member of the research team...
Genetically modified rhesus macaques are necessary because mouse models are not suitable for a number of important neurogenetic disorders; for example, Kallmann's syndrome, Lesch-Nyhan's disease and Ataxia-Telangiectasia. Mouse models may not be suitable
“After my whiplash, I have become anti-social. I don’t want to be social. Maybe I am a little depressed once and a while, and then I think that I won’t be able to overcome this. If I am in pain, I don’t want to go to for example a Christmas party, because my focus is...
give their views and opinions, and not with the intention of convincing parents to immunise their child. With the permission of study participants, interviews were recorded verbatim with the use of a digital recorder. Interview recordings were transcribed anonymously by a professional transcription ...
(4) Results: Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using a thematic analysis approach. Two main themes emerged: the first theme is encountering difference, with three sub-themes, while the second one is the absence of partnering, with four sub-themes. (5) Conclusions: The analysis ...