1. 非语言学习障碍 ... integrationdysfunction)、非语言学习障碍(non-verbal learning disability)、反应性依附症(reactive attachment disorder… igpublish.pixnet.net|基于7个网页 2. 非语文学习障碍 章老师在新生的转衔资料上看到某位学生被注记为「非语文学习障碍(non-verbal learning disability)」者,以下何者最...
Synonyms NLD ; NVLD ; Right hemisphere learning disability Definition A subtype of learning disabilities characterized by deficits in visual-spatial organization, nonverbal problem solving, adaptation to novel situations, and psychomotor skills, together with academic difficulties in the areas of arithmetic...
(redirected from Nonverbal learning disability)Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal, Financial, Acronyms, Encyclopedia. non·ver·bal learning disorder (nŏn-vûr′bəl) n. Abbr. NLD A neurological disorder of the right cerebral hemisphere in which the processing of nonverbal and ...
Nonverbal learning disorder (NVLD), also known as nonverbal learning disability, is a neurological condition which typically emerges during childhood but can persist through adulthood. It is marked by one or more of a set of cognitive, and sometimes social, difficulties experienced by children of ...
2) nonverbal learning 非言语学习3) Learning disability 学习不良 1. Results The children with learning disability had significantly lower IQ scores and subset scores than the control group ( P <0. 结果:学习不良组儿童智商和分测验分数均明显低于正常组 (P <0 。 2. Accordingly, we should ...
(redirected from Nonverbal learning disability)Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Financial, Acronyms, Encyclopedia. dis·a·bil·i·ty (dĭs′ə-bĭl′ĭ-tē) n. pl. dis·a·bil·i·ties 1. a. A physical or mental condition that significantly limits a person's motor,...
Also known as: NVLD, nonverbal learning disability Written by Laura Payne Laura Payne is a freelance writer whose work covers many topics. She is a former Wayne State University linguistics instructor. Laura Payne Fact-checked by The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica ...
(redirected fromNonverbal learning disability) Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Legal Financial Acronyms disability 1.the condition of being unable to perform a task or function because of a physical or mental impairment 2.an incapacity in the eyes of the law to enter into certain transactions ...
Nonverbal learning disability (NLD) is a distinct subtype of learning disabilities wherein the child may have average to above average verbal skills, but in conjunction with pronounced visual, motor, social and academic difficulties. This condition occurs in a small percentage of children but present...
Developmental right parietal syndrome; Nonverbal disorders of learning; Right hemisphere impairment/disorder Short Description A nonverbal learning disability (NVLD) is most often identified by a particular pattern of strengths and weaknesses on neuropsychological tests: a significant discrepancy between highe...