Unit 3 Non-Verbal Communication Unit3Non-VerbalCommunication Nonverbalcommunicationinvolvesallthosenonverbalstimuliinacommunicationsettingthataregeneratedbyboththesourceandhisorheruseoftheenvironmentandthathavepotentialmessagevalueforthesourceorreceiver.-Samovar,L.A.etal.译文:非语言交际包括一个交际环境中所有那些非...
Even though non-verbal communication is an essential part of communicative situations, it still is a neglected issue in foreign language teaching. This is quite surprising as no language learner can achieve communicative competence without having some knowledge of non-verbal phenomena, which make ...
商务交际英语chapter10-nonverbal communication.ppt,* * * * * * * * Body Actions 身体动作 Eye contact 眼神交流 In one-to-one situations, effective eye contact builds interpersonal trust and confidence in each other. 在一对一情况下,有效的眼神交流会建立起信
The reduction of communication to writing was a fundamental step in the evolution of society for, in addition to being useful in situations where speech is not possible, writing permits the preservation of communications, or records, from the past. It marks the beginning of recorded history. ...
The ability to understand and use nonverbal communication is a powerful tool that will help you connect with others, express what you really mean, navigate challenging situations, and build better relationships at home and work. What is nonverbal communication and body language? Nonverbal ...
inthefurtherunderstandingoftheother.Someauthoritiesfeelthatthetwoaredependentoneachother.Thisiscertainlytrueinmostsituations.Butitisalsotruethatinsomecertainsituationbody action contradicts what is being said, just as the spoken words may mean something quite different from what nonverbal communication ...
Whatmadethedifferencewashisnonverbalsignals. Hisnonverbalsignalschangedeverything. Clinicalstudieshavedemonstratedthatinsomesituationsthesesignalsaccountformuchofthemeaningcommunicatedbyspeakers. Accountfor:explainthecauseofsth解释某事的原因 临床研究表明,在有些情况下,这些信号很大程度上可以解释说话者要表达的意思。
In order to avoid embarrassing situations, it is considered more polite or nicer to communicate attitudes towards others non-verbally rather than verbally. The functions of non-verbal communication are as follo ws: 1)To express emotions; 2) To express interpersonal attitudes; 3)To accompany speech...
Read the following situations and try to figure out some basic functions of nonverbal communication. 1. When we say The new museum is south of that building, we usually point in a certain direction. 2. You tell someone that you are pleased with his or her performance, and at the same ...
1、Nonverbal Communication. Peopleoftenshowhowtheyfeelwithoutspeaking.Theyusetheirfaceandtheirbody.Thisis callednon-verbalcommunication.Itcantellusalotabouthowpeoplearefeeling.Nonverbalcommunication, likeourverbal language,isalsoapartofourculture.Butnotallbodylanguagemeansthesamethingindifferentculture 2、s....