Your nonverbal communication skills can create a positive (or a negative) impression. Crossed arms can seem defensive. Poor posture may appear unprofessional. A downward gaze or avoiding eye contact can detract from you being seen as confident. Employers will evaluate what you do as well as what...
NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION Communication through facial expression, voice, gestures, body movement, appearance, space...but not word choice FUNCTIONS OF NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION REINFORCES A VERBAL MESSAGE CONTRADICTS A VERBAL MESSAGE SUBSTITUTES FOR A VERBAL MESSAGE Characteristics of Nonverbal Language TYPES ...
北京大学出版社《跨文化交际》unit-5-6-Nonverbal-Communication Nonverbal Communication Act out the following ideas: Me? Stop. No. Come here. I’m full. It’s smelly here. I don’t know. Go away. I can’t hear it. I am surprised. We share a secret. Everything is fine. I’m ...
非言语沟通ppt Ch. 6-Nonverbal communication NonverbalCommunication Chapter6 American&Britishsignlanguagearepracticallythesame 1.True2.False 50% 50% TrueFalse Kinesics 1.Referstothestudyofhowpeopleperceiveandusespace.2.Itisnotimportantinthestudyoflanguage 3.Studiesbodymovements,facialexpressionsandgestures ...
非言语沟通Ch 6-Nonverbal communication.ppt,American British sign language are practically the same True False Kinesics Refers to the study of how people perceive and use space. It is not important in the study of language Studies body movements, facial e
1、Nonverbal CommunicationChapter 6American & British sign language are practically the sameTrueFalseKinesicsRefers to the study of how people perceive and use space.It is not important in the study of languageStudies body movements, facial expressions and gesturesIs universally applicable and inna 2...
EffectiveCommunicationMorethanjusttalkInstructorCourseVerbalandNon-VerbalCommunicationVerbalNon-VerbalDoNow Compareandcontrastverbalandnon-verbalcommunication. Includeexamplesofwhenyouwoulduseboth. Givethreeexamplesofagesture. Howdoyouusegesturestocommunicate?Giveatleasttwoexamples.TypesofCommunication Verbal Discussion:...
1、Chapter 2 Nonverbal CommunicationCommunication 93% NONVERBALl7% VerbalWords usedl38% VocalTone, rate, and volume usedl55% VisualSenders appearance when saying it What is nonverbal communication? “Oral and nonoral messages expressed by other than linguistic means.”Types of Nonverbal ...
Courses: Interpersonal Communication, Nonverbal Communication, Basic Course, Business and Professional Speaking, Group Communication, Organizational Communication Objectives: Students will understand the relationship between nonverbal behaviors and perception formation in the communication process. Students will ...
fighting Examples: leg movements looking over shoulder before gossiping Object adaptors Learned later in life - more socially acceptable – stroking a pipe – tapping a pencil – hands in pockets – twisting a ring Physical Characteristics • Not all nonverbal communication comes through movement and...