17. Kamada T, Tsujii H, Blakely EA, Debus J, De Neve W, Durante M, Jakel O, Mayer R, Orecchia R, Potter R, Vatnitsky S, Chu WT. Carbon ion radiotherapy in Japan: an assessment of 20 years of clinical experience. Lancet Oncol. 2015;16(2):e93–e100. 18. De Ruysscher D, ...
The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdo- main/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data. Pettersen et al. BMC Bioinformatics (2023) 24:438 Page 2 of 19 decrease...
information can be included in a categorical coding paradigm for example by using time based sampling methods (Altmann 1974; Martin and Bateson 1993), in which behavior is recorded periodically at regular intervals (as in instantaneous sampling) or during short time windows (as in one–zero ...
A lot of modern meat is stuff like boneless skinless chicken breast, which hardly seems connected to an animal and can already be grown in a vat, though not cheaply yet. Another factor is demographics. Meat is mostly eaten by men, and meat consumption by men decreases sharply after age 3...
of impurities in the water samples on the pTrhoceepssHofvPalFuAeSs danegdratedmatpioenra. tures during the tests were recorded with a pH me The pHdevvailcuees(QapnHd t7e0m, VpeWraRtuIrnetserdnuartiinognatlhGe mtesbtHs w, Geerermreacnoyrd),ewdhweritehasatphHe cmonedteurcdtiev-ity...
2. Nanomaterials for Non-Enzymatic Cholesterol Biosensor In the llaasstt ffeeww ddeeccaaddeess,,aavvaarrieiettyyooffaaddvvaanncceeddfufunnctcitoionnaal lnnaannoommaateteriraialsls, ,including zero-dimensional (0(0DDnannaonpoapratirctlicelse,so, neo-ndei-mdiemnseinosnioanl a(1l D()1nDa)...
In particular, MLIs are particularly suitable for medium- and high-voltage applications for both single- and three-phase systems, thanks to the possibility to work with high-voltage levels by adopting low-voltage-rated devices. The basic multilevel converter topologies are cascade H-bridge (CHB),...