Exciton condensation in semiconductor quantum wells in nonuniform electric fieldCondensed Matter - Mesoscopic Systems and Quantum Hall EffectThe structure appearance in exciton density distribution in semiconductor double quantum well with transverse electric field applied is studied, in the case when the ...
(17) is the harmonic potential theorem (HPT), which states that for a system confined by a harmonic potential and subject to a uniform time-dependent electric field, the density transforms rigidly following Eq. (16) where b(t) is the position of the center of mass2,111,117,126. Non-...
To observe the exciton migration within the ZS nanorod, we used point laser illumination and wide-field imaging of the emission by a CMOS camera to record the spatial distribution of the energy migration along the microrod (Fig.2g). A blank region (label 1) without a microrod was selected ...
whose definition is similar to Eqs. (7) and (8) but withβ = 0 and the ensemble average replaced by the average on the state. In Fig.4(d), we find that the information spreading for a single initial state [Fjk(t)] with a uniform distribution at the center of the ...
When the structure was pumped only by the first beam, the output was a uniform donut. Once the second beam overlapped temporally with the first beam, the optical symmetry was broken. The vortex beam lasing can be switched to linearly polarized beam lasing, or vice versa, with switching times...
Consider the coupling between every straight waveguide is uniform, the topological phase of the system depends on the magnitude of the coupling coefficient c compared with the gain/loss strength γ. Increasing c and fixing γ, the system undergoes a phase transition from the PT broken phase to ...
Exciton migrationNonuniform electric fieldsA nonuniform electric field in polymer-based D/A photovoltaic system is supposed.Under such an electric field, migration of an exciton along a polymer chain is presented.The exciton migration mechanism is clarified by introducing a driving force.Factors ...
It is shown on the basis of an analysis of the results that Schottky barrier breakdown is associated with narrowing of the width of the space-charge region as a result of exciton drift in the nonuniform electric field and the recombination of electrons in ionized impurity levels of the ...
1a. This model describes two-dimensional spinless particles in a uniform perpendicular magnetic field. Therefore, it is a hallmark of quantum Hall physics. Its bulk gaps possess non-zero Chern numbers and host chiral edge states. Its Abelian version can be described by the Hofstadter–Harper ...
From the theoretical point of view, the electronic states in QRs of arbitrary shape and non-uniform width were investigated in ref.18 with the inclusion of threading magnetic field effects. Studies on the Aharonov-Bohm effect, optical responses, spin-orbit interaction effects, influence of pressure...