Overall, migrant adolescents showed greater resilience resources than non-migrants and, although the migrants experienced more traumatic events, the impact of trauma on mental health outcomes was greater in the non-migrants. There is a need for further research with larger prospecti...
Li found that satisfactory mental resilience reduces the risk of depression among adults who have experienced childhood trauma [33]. One study found that psychological resilience improves an individual’s negative emotions when experiencing adversity and can be utilized as an internal defense mechanism ...
This study analyzes the relationship of alexithymia, childhood trauma, and body investment to non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) behaviors in adolescents with depressive disorder and whether they have predictive and diagnostic value for non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) behaviors in adolescents with depressiv...
Noninvasive monitoring of the autonomic nervous system and hemodynamics of patients with blunt and penetrating trauma. J Trauma 65: 1364–1373. Counter SA, Borg E, Lofqvist L, Brismar T (1990). Hearing loss from the acoustic artifact of the coil used in extracranial magnetic stimulation. ...
Pain, substance use, and mental health are associated with experiences of trauma.Interplay of structural and interpersonal trauma is understudied in pain patients.Opioid tapering can exacerbate impacts of trauma for patients in the safety-net.Low-income pain patients experience forms of structural trauma...
Frankly, I lack ambition in this direction, it could be because of childhood trauma inflicted by a birth name that goes awry in a lot of people’s cultural assumptions. In any case, my pedagogic arch was not lofty; not about to presume an earth shattering contribution when giants in the ...
The rationale for these regulations is based on sound arguments aimed both at reducing human suffering, but also the ultimate advantage of the nation-state fielding non-combatant staff. However, this is sometimes not immediately apparent to combatant colleagues. Clinicians in the armed force are ...
In part, this is related to evidence that early postnatal experiences in human development may have profound implications for subsequent mental health. Non-human primate studies of postnatal phenomenon have generally fallen into three basic categories: experiential manipulation (largely manipulations of ...
Non-resective surgical strategies provide an alternative for drug-resistant patients not amenable to resective surgery due to poorly localized seizure foci, multiple foci, or epileptogenic zones co-localizing with eloquent areas carrying high risks for a
There is an increasing public, societal and policy imperative for effective integration of healthcare delivery systems. Central to integration in healthcare is a focus on people-centred health, access, patient empowerment, interprofessional teamwork and