Fishing License Plates Purchase a Delaware recreational fishing specialty motor vehicle license plate to show your passion and support for sport fishing in Delaware. There is a one-time purchase price of $95, $80 of which will be used to promote recreational fishing in Delaware and to support f...
Focuses on an article which examined the history of the public's right to fish in nontidal, navigable rivers in New York state. Information on the ruling over the Douglaston Manor Inc. versus Bahrakis court case; Overview of the English common law on waterways; Cases which interpret the ...
Under a Creative Commons license Open accessHighlights Abstract Coastal habitats provide many important ecosystem services. The substantial role of shellfish in delivering ecosystem services is increasingly recognised, usually with a focus on cultured species, but wild-harvested bivalve species have largely...
Non-native mangroves in general can alter chemical and physical conditions and cause numerous problems in regions where they do not naturally occur like Hawai‘i for example. The red mangrove causes obnoxious odors (anoxic conditions) and clogs tidal streams (Chimner et al.2006). Non-native mang...