Perspective on non-stun slaughterNORMAN LESLIE
The BVA's campaign to end non-stun slaughter stepped up a gear on April 30, when, with the support of the RSPCA, we launched our government e-petition at Helena Cotton, BVA public affairs manager, provides an update on progress....
Non‐stun slaughter of goats on the rise doi:10.1002/vetr.4853Veterinary Record: Journal of the British Veterinary AssociationLoeb, Josh
Non-stun slaughter: the elephant in the room In the light of recent changes to quarantine legislation in the UK, it is expected that there will be a huge increase in the number of travelling pets going abroad for short holiday periods and also a rise in the number of conventional i... ...
BVA calls for end to non-stun slaughter in Northern Ireland.The article reports on the move of the British Veterinary Association (BVA) to urge party leaders in Northern Ireland to support a veterinarian-led campaign in England to end the non-stun slaughter of animals....
Non-stun petition reaches its target.Non-stun petition reaches its target.The article reports that the British Veterinary Association's (BVA) electronic petition (e-petition) to end the non-stun slaughter of animals in Great Britain has reached its target of 100,000 signature on January 29, 20...
It was found that occupational exposure to camels (e.g. shepherds, slaughter-house works) was associated with 15–23 times higher risk of seroconversion (2.3–3.6%) than the general population (<0.2%). Also, a large number of younger (15–44 years) infected individuals, who develop no or...
Non-stun slaughter: the elephant in the roomIn the light of recent changes to quarantine legislation in the UK, it is expected that there will be a huge increase in the number of travelling pets going abroad for short holiday periods and also a rise in the number of conventional importation...
Saudi Arabia already imports meat from New Zealand, where non-stun slaughter is banned. At the same time, Saudi officials recently expressed concern about imports of poultry products from Brazil, reportedly because of misgivings over the use of electrical stunning in abattoirs in that country....
The article reports that the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Beef and Lamb is focused on the research into the measurement of pain in animals during slaughter in England. It mentions that APPG for Beef and Lamb focuses on ensuring that parliamentarians briefed on the lates...