Non-Stress Test as a Predictor for High-Risk Pregnancy-In Background of Fetal Color Doppler in Umbilical and Middle Cerebral ArterySultana, RaziaChaitanya, NehaMahadik, KalpanaVohra, ShivanginiEuropean Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine
Who Gets the Nonstress Test? NST is a common test for pregnant women. Your doctor may use it to check the health of your baby after weeks 26 to 28 of pregnancy. Certain results may mean your doctor needs to monitor your baby, do more tests, or schedule delivery. You may need an NST...
Related to nonstress test:Biophysical profile,Contraction stress test non·stress test (nŏn′strĕs′) n. An ultrasound examination of a fetus that measures fetal well-being by correlating fetal movement with changes in fetal heartbeat. ...
For the antepartum evaluation of fetal well-being in the high-risk pregnancy, the nonstress test (NST) has been found to be clinically efficacious. The basis for its interpretation has been the presence (reactive or normal) or absence (nonreactive or abnormal) of fetal heart rate accelerations...
No currently available single test of fetal well-being is a universal, infallible clinical tool that stands apart from the more general context of the total pregnancy. It is tempting to place a substantial emphasis on the results of a test when medical decision-making is needed. Perhaps some ...
Surveillance of the diabetic pregnancy with antepartum fetal nonstress testing and urinary estriol excretion. 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 40 作者:L St?Nge,M Stangenberg,K Carlstr?M,B Persson 摘要: The value of daily fetal heart rate (FHR) nonstress test (NST) and 24-hour ...
In 1995, Kjos and coworkers reported on twice weekly NST andamniotic fluidvolume assessment in 2134 women with diabetes in pregnancy.4There were no stillbirths within 4 days of the last test and the overall correctedstillbirthrate for the group was 1.4/1000. Further, while use of amniotic fl...
1. 无应激试验 妇产科... ... 14.晚期减速( late deceleration) 15.无应激试验(Non-stress test) 16.缩宫素激惹试验( Oxytocin challenge test) ...|基于19个网页 2. 无压力试验 t o W Fetal ... 2.Cesarean section 剖腹生产 3.Non-stress test无压力试验4.Oxytocin challenge ...
A 27-year-old gravida 1, para 1, who had not experienced any complications during her previous pregnancy and delivery underwent a non-stress test at 36 weeks gestation that revealed mild variable deceleration. Fetal echocardiography ... Y Nemoto,H Ishikawa,M Kawataki - 《Jpn J Med Ultrasonics...
in the second half of your pregnancy, and if there are signs of problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, the amount of amniotic fluid (too much or too little) or if you lost a previous pregnancy, your doctor/midwife may take the precaution of sending you for a non-stress test....