ON AIR RADIO LIMITED Designed for iPad Free Screenshots iPad iPhone Description Get listening to NonStopOldies! Packed with great features: - Send Audio Messages - record your own message and send it to us - Get notified when your show is playing - Follow our social feeds in the app, never...
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my own musical tastes, and my young self as an attentive, active, and appreciative listener of music. Sure, before I turned 8 there had been music on in the background, on pop and oldies radio in the family station wagon, but it was the coming of cable TV and MTV to our house...
2014 will be an exciting time for music lovers in Istanbul, with a diverse group of entertainers coming to the city that includes classic rock, blues, and heavy metal icons, along with pop superstars, beloved singers/songwriters, oldies bands, and local favorites.Last yearconcert lineup was gr...
A member of Denarau Lions Oldies Rugby Club, Iliesa Fonolahi says he sought the support of his club members to create awareness and educate members of the public on the hidden and devastating effects of pornography. Speaking on behalf of the Axellarate Devo Babas R...
oCnr-yioon-SicEMsurcfoauctldanbtestursuecdtufroers l(acmhoellelasrteitryoldiesteursmedintaotioanvo. iAdnadggitreisgarteipoonr)t.eHdytdhraotplahrigliec dlipisoch-lpikileicnbioaslaonmcees(,HalLsBo)ncaomueldd bdeisucosemdeas,smanayinfdoricmatworitohf athseizveersainclgeefoorfm11in–6g0aµbmi...