non-state actors have varied self-motivated interests. For example, IGO s and NGOs mainly intend in promoting world peace, humanitarian measures, and social services. Meanwhile, the main intention of violent non-state actors is to create political transformations. Criminal non-state ...
Define nonactor. nonactor synonyms, nonactor pronunciation, nonactor translation, English dictionary definition of nonactor. n a person who is not an actor Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publis
Humanitarian organizations provide different services including education for refugees as a “surrogate for the state” in several immediate refugee-hosting countries like Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq during the Syrian refugee crisis. The extending role of non-state actors emanates from the absence of gov...
For this reason, during time power structures have expanded their range of control and implemented their functions; both indoor and internationally, becoming the "actors" we know today. Their purpose is to control everything3.However, during the State's evolution process, and even today, there ...
The advent of weapons of mass destruction, particularly nuclear weapons, changed global politics forever. This lesson explores non-state actors'...
The “degree of dependence” of non-State actors on the State in question determines the type of control the latter is deemed to have over the former. “Control” would be “strict” if the “degree of dependence” of non-State actors on the State is complete as opposed to “effective ...
However, our knowledge about how non-state actors may be and can be involved in the regulation of risks, at both national and transnational levels, is predominantly theoretical and needs to be examined more critically and above all empirically. In this thesis a case study is presented of the ...
The thesis examines the accountability of state and non-state actors under international law of child soldiering. It argues that states and non-state actors as such must be made accountable for breaching their obligation under the prohibition of the conscription and enlistment of children under the ...
The majority of the internationally settled disputes today thus concern mixed rather than interstate disputes. Besides the participation of non-state actors as parties to international disputes, the proliferation of dispute settlement mechanisms has equally weathered the increased involvement of non-state ...
countries and even the entire planet. Non-traditional issues cover a wide range of areas, including not only scientific and technological advancement, globalization and sustainable development of human society and nature, but also threats and challenges posed by non-state actors to the international or...