Non-revenue water (N.R.W) levels exceeding 40% present a formidable challenge to water utilities in Tanzania and other developing nations. To address this, we conducted a comprehensive diagnostic assessment of the Nkuhungu zone served by Dodoma Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (DUWASA)...
| This was announced by the Commissioner of the Border Management Authority (BMA), Dr Michael Masiapato and the South African Revenue Service (SARS) on Tuesday. | This follows the successful clearance and safety assessment of the port after a serious truck accident on Sunday. | The accident,...
| © 2025 Anne Marte Skaland | This week, United Nations member states began negotiating a first-ever treaty on international tax cooperation that could replace the current patchwork system that deprives governments of billions in revenue and undermines their capacity to deliver on human rights....
WaterInTVC Portion of water cost Percentage of water cost in total variable cost FuelInTVC Portion of fuel cost Percentage of fuel (firewood) cost in total variable cost Tvc Total variable cost Sum of all cost of production of one batch Gm Gross margin Difference between total revenue and tot...
But the whole “shithole country” narrative so common in the US and Europe definitely needs rethinking, especially for the East African and Great Lakes countries Kenya, Ruanda, Uganda and Ethiopia, but also Burundi and Tanzania to a lesser extent. These countries have been significantly ...
High non-revenue water (NRW) and unreliable water supply services are major challenges in operations of the water infrastructure of most fast-growing cities in developing countries. In this study, an analysis of the existing distribution network was carried out to investigate its performance ...
Assessment of Non-Tax Revenue Potential in Tanzania
In the 20 years, nonmaterial services became the largest contributor, accounting for 44% of the total ecosystem asset value. Soil retained services contributed 22%, while water conservation services accounted for 19%. Other ecosystem services had lower contributions, each less than 10% of the ...
Egypt, South Africa, Kenya, Morocco, Tanzania, Tunisia, Mauritius, Ghana, Uganda, and Nigeria are the ten African countries with the most tourists. In this paper, the augmented mean group (AMG), mean group (MG), and common correlated effects mean group (CCEMG) models were used to deal ...
This is a globally recognized and important ecosystem that serves as a home to exceptional biodiversity and provides water to five million residents (as mentioned earlier). Again, it is the main source of numerous non-timber forest products in the region. In Ghana, insufficient attention has ...