Use: in the downhole sucker rod pumps. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION: in a body with a through passage taken saddle seat and cooperating with the locking organ with the guide, and the rear seat portions. The guide portion is formed as a concave cone. The center of mass is displaced towards ...
Non-Return Valve 70 / 70U Non-return valve for the prevention of unintended gas mixtures, for flow rates up to 11,706 scfh (air), up to 232 psi, for use in thermal processing, certified to EN746-2, G 3/4 - G 1.1/2 Non-Return Valve NV300 Non-return valve for the prevention...
Non-return valve, stainless steel, for the prevention of unintended gas mixtures, for flow rates up to 3260 m³/h (air), up to 16 bar for use in thermal processing plants, certified to EN746-2, G 1 - G 1.1/4 Non-Return Valve NV400 Non-return valve for the prevention of uninte...
The present invention relates to a non-return valve that can be configured for use anywhere along a molding material flow path in a molding system. The non-return valve of the present invention includes an improved means to restrict the backflow of melt therethrough during injection. In particul...
All welding and cutting attachments will fit the shank. It is equipped with non-return valves to prevent reverse flow in the gas hoses. It balances well in the hand during welding and cutting operations. Features Simple and safe to use ...
The flap check valve is a syntheticnon-return valvefor use in drainage and wastewater mains. 翼瓣止回阀是一种人工合成的单向阀,可在排水和废水管道中使用。 ParaCrawl Corpus Non-return valvesand check valves Quick exhaust valves 单向阀和止回阀快速排气阀 ...
[Also in Division F2] A valve for use with a medical syringe includes a bored stem 11 constituting part of the fluid path through the valve, a chamber 16 in which the stem is located, and a sock 17 slidingly engaged over the side walls of the stem, the side walls of the sock ...
Non Return Valve (NRV) Wafer Swing Check Valve UPVC Wafer Type Check Valve PVC Swing Check Valve with DIN ANSI JIS BS Standard DN20 (3/4") - DN150 (6")Working Pressure: 150PSI PN1.0MPa Standard: DIN ANSI...
NON-RETURN VALVE FOR USE IN A MOLDING SYSTEM 申请(专利)号: KR20067020767 申请日: 2006-10-04 专利号: KR100885611B1 公开公告日: 2009-02-24 主分类号: F16K15/02 申请权利人: 分类号: F16K15/02; B29C45/23 发明设计人: ?? ??? ?; ?? ?; ?? ? ?. 公开国代码: KR 申请国代码: KR...
Define Non return valve. Non return valve synonyms, Non return valve pronunciation, Non return valve translation, English dictionary definition of Non return valve. n a valve that closes by fluid pressure to prevent return flow. Also called: nonreturn va