(in cryptography) a symbol or sign without meaning adj not significant; insignificant Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
Retrospective review of all CNO patients of our pediatric center, including only patients with vertebral or mandibular lesions. All imaging exams were analyzed to record lesion characteristics. Results We included 13 patients (six male). The mean age of onset was 12.3 years. Ten patients had only...
Retrospective review of patient medical records revealed that all of the lesions placed into this histologic category were clinically unusual (Table 1 and Table 2). They invariably presented fully formed at birth, and they invariably did not enlarge between birth and the time of resection. Because...
Meaning A retrospective diagnosis-based policy is not associated with accurate identification of unnecessary ED visits and could put many commercially insured patients at risk of coverage denial. Abstract Importance Insurers have increasingly adopted policies to reduce emergency department (ED) visits that ...
Dupuy proposes here a more complex logic, the logic of retroactively transforming an accidental act into the expression of a necessity: “necessity is retrospective: before I act, it was not necessary that I act as I do; once I have acted,it will always have been truethat I could not hav...
First, being a retrospective study based on EHRs and considering only non-neurological ICU patients, it may not have included all the relevant information such as that related to neurological evaluation or the onset of neurological symptoms. Second, the dataset employed for our model was relatively...
aFDA recommends that prior to initiation of the proposed trial, the results observed on OS and other tumor-based endpoints in the exploratory retrospective subgroup analysis (benefit in patients with tumors > 5cm) be assessed prospectively, along with further dose-finding, in an earlier phase trial...
Through retrospective interviews, we investigated the discursive struggles in participants' talk across three contexts: pre-engagement cohabitation, the marriage proposal ritual, and the (re)telling of the proposal story to friends and family. Analysis of participant interviews illustrated three discursive...
The retrospective design of our study may have led to selection bias, thereby limiting the generalization of results. While we encouraged enrollment of consecutive patients in the study period, this was not monitored. There was no independent imaging core laboratory in this study. Differences in ima...
Design, Setting, and Participants Retrospective cohort study of Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries older than 64 years discharged between January 1, 2008, and June 30, 2015, from 2214 penalty hospitals and 1283 nonpenalty hospitals. Difference-interrupted time-series models were used to compare ...