Duplicate Hunting & Fishing License $5.00 $1.29 $1.00 * These permits are required in addition to any Non-Resident Lifetime License previously sold. ** This permit is valid for Coldwater, Dahomey, Tallahatchie, and Sam D. Hamilton Noxubee National Wildlife Refuges only. *** May be purchased...
Iowa DNR seeks fishing fee increase; Resident, non-resident licenses: Some of the money would be used to ease access to the fishMARY RAE BRAGG
Specifically, we relate the total number of resident sportfishing trips taken each month in each of 16 U.S. states to a state-level index of COVID policy stringency. We model the number of recreational fishing trips taken in each state-month using a fixed effect Poisson regression model ...
Specifically, we relate the total number of resident sportfishing trips taken each month in each of 16 U.S. states to a state-level index of COVID policy stringency. We model the number of recreational fishing trips taken in each state-month using a fixed effect Poisson regression model ...
Invasive apple snails adversely impact the ecological function of non-native habitats, resulting in eutrophication as well as reduced biodiversity, which diminishes ecosystem goods and services, thereby [negatively] impacting human well-being. The onus here is to define the diet of an invasive apple ...
The reason for choosing to use average GDP as the basis for regional heterogeneity classification is that GDP measures the total value of the final results of production activities of all resident units in a country or region during a certain period of time and directly reflects the overall size...