For instance, in 1869, the photographer William H. Mumler faced a trial for fraud related to his spirit photographs, allegedly depicting ghosts of dead persons (Fineman, 2012, pp. 22–24). Yet, fabricating such 2 Texting is particularly widespread among adolescents. A recent study reports that...
The IICR is related to the PSMC method of Li and Durbin (2011) in the sense that the PSMC method, while generally interpreted in terms of population size changes, actually infers the IICR for a sample of size two (Mazet et al. 2016). The IICR curves can thus be seen as summaries ...
The insertion polymorphism of HaLep1_8 in two different but closely related species suggested that HaLep1_8 might horizont- ally transfer into a common ancestor of H. armigera and H. zea, and the absence of orthologous copy in H. zea was due to the fact that the element had been ...
For example, one index scored the amount of manmade debris that seemed to be present in a scene. Another rated the amount of natural debris (kelp). These indexes serve as quantitative measures of the physical attributes that may be related to perceived quality and can be evaluated based on ...
The authors are very grateful to the anonymous referees for their careful reading and useful suggestions, which greatly improved the presentation of the paper. This work is supported in part by Natural Science Foundation Project of CQ CSTC (2007BB2450), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, the Ke...
Comments not related to oil or natural gas production in this thread please 215 thoughts to “Open Thread Non-Petroleum, October 1, 2020” OFM 10/01/2020 at 7:48 pm While I generally support the Democratic Party’s vision of what’s best for our country, I can’t bring myself to ...
The result showed methimazole was not significantly related to blood metabolite levels in Graves’ disease group (F = 2.881, p = 0.441). Score scatter plot by PCA confirmed that no cluster was identified by the different levels of methimazole examined (Supplementary Fig. S2). Steroid ...
Evolutionary dynamics ofLep1 inHelicoverpa armigeraand its related species WhileLep1Helitronshave been previously described in multiple lepidopteran insects, the evolutionary dynamics ofLep1 had not been further investigated. In this study, aLep1-like sequence (namedHaLep1_1) was identified inH. armiger...
where Qdiff is the heat in the diffusion combustion (J); Ccomb is calibrated experimentally and related to speed (−); Fwall is the function of wall effects during fuel injection; Fegr is the function of residual gas effects; mf,diff,net is the fuel mass during the diffusion combustion...