问题: 在AutoCAD中创建视口时,找不到多边形或非矩形形状的选项。 原因: 通常,当使用VIEWPORTS命令时,会发生这种情况,该命令仅提供矩形图形。 解决方案: 请改为使用MVIEW命令。 这提供了多边形和对象,还允许使用其他非矩形图形,如圆和样条线。 另请参见: 在AutoCAD
> > > non-rectangular layout viewports acad lt 2000 options mark topic as new mark topic as read float this topic for current user bookmark subscribe mute non-rectangular layout viewports acad lt 2000 08-26-2002 03:45 am mark as new bookmark subscribe mute non-rectangular layout viewports ...
Prodotti e versioni incluse Problema: Un blocco non viene visualizzato in più porte di visualizzazione Soluzione: Modifica il valore di annoallvisible Queste informazioni sono state utili? Hai bisogno di aiuto? Chiedi all'Assistente Autodesk!
If it is not 3D I would not know how to create a rectangular viewport from that. In case it is 3D I would do these steps: command _UCS with 3Points to 3 points of that green rectangle (if it is one) in the viewport you can then use command _PLAN and option "current ...