Rather than saying “You are HIV negative” or “You are HIV positive,” HIV test results often come back as “reactive” or “non-reactive,” which can be confusing. Testingcan be scary, but because it is a cornerstone of both good personal and public health, it’s crucial that people...
问题分析:reactive是英文,表示反应的; 活性的; 电抗的;non-reactive为无活性的,也就是没有感染发生...
non-reactive 就是没有发生反应,是检测过程中的专业说法,其实就是阴性。HIV 病毒 1型,2型抗体都是阴性。如果不放心,可以过两个月去复查一下。
wtbdkj八周测试 hiv1&hiv2 non reactive 准确吗还需要在测是吗 管理员回复: 回复内容: 张老师:您好,根据您的这个结果已经说明您没有什么问题了,况且您的行为是无套被动口交,一般都不认为是可能导致艾滋病感染的原因,所以综合以上,您应该不要担心了,也不要再留恋与艾滋相关的任何问题,从回您自己的生活吧,只是...
Nonreactive Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Rapid Tests After Sustained Viral Suppression Following Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation During Primary InfectionHIV-1primary HIV infectionseroreversionrapid testWe assessed the impact of early antiretroviral treatment (ART) on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) ...
[2015-06-0..HIV报告写的NON-Reactive(非阳性)这是说明我没得艾滋病吗,太好了精神病院墙塌了。我就跑出来了→_→ --来自助手版贴吧客户端这是报告精神病院墙塌了。我就跑出来了→_→ --来自助手版贴吧客户端
I did myHIVDUO test on Day 23 and it is non reactive with 0.23 (non reactive). Is it good indication that the on day 28 it shall be HIV Negative. Also if HIV DUO is negative on Day 23, is it possible that Western Block can be positive...