If you have any questions about roller derby, are interested in skating, or want to get more information on our league, please feel free to emailboard@OttawaValleyRollerDerby.com. We’d love to hear from you.
DevNetJobs Jobs, careers, UN, aid, NGOs, consultancy, consultancies, international development community, consulting in UN, Environment, NGOs, non profits, charity, International Development and Voluntary sector. Over 1800 international organisations pos
Towards Crip Futures: Non-Profit Disability and Health Organizations in Ottawa, CanadaC. KellyDutch Crossing: Journal of Low Countries Studies
The not-for-profit Community Legal Assistance Society officially launched the program Tuesday, which offers three hours of legal advice to people regardless of age, gender or income, or whether they have reported the assault to police. With funding from the federal government, Jennife...
A non-profit is trying to raise awareness on how elderly community members can avoid falling down and injuring themselves. Next Saturday, Gaia Cares will be conducting free assessments in Richmond for anyone over 55 years old to see how likely they are to fall. The asses...
” declaresa Dec. 11 reportco-written by Dodge for the law firm Bennett Jones. But where Canada once oversaw a carefully managed immigration system that prioritized “highly skilled workers,” the report said Ottawa has now “ramped up significantly” the intake of foreign students and other ...
As well, focus group data with HtH persons are the source of information on the views of HtH persons regarding the need for services, including those that could be provided from the non-profit sector. The results conclude with the presentation of questionnaire data, which are provided in ...
Now we don't expect you to quit school/jobs and hit the roads, however, there are humanitarian acts that each one of us is capable of doing - if willing. It really is up to you. Mother Teresa had it right - all it takes is one small act of kindness to make our world heal: a...
We assessed data quality using a modified Newcastle-Ottawa scale,20 as recommended by the Cochrane Collaboration (appendix).21 Appropriate versions of the scoring rubric were used for randomised controlled trials, case-control studies, and cross-sectional studies. Scores were based on design-specific ...
When we think about moving to another city the thing that keeps us in Ottawa isn't that we can walk everywhere, the culture, our friends, the great jobs we have or our proximity to Gatineau Park. It's our daycare.GIRARD, RICHARD