More than 80 benefit programs provide cash and noncash aid that is directed primarily to persons with limited income. These benefit programs cost $522.2 billion in FY2002, a record high. This sum was up $45.3 billion (9.5%) from the previous peak of FY2001, and it equaled 5% of the g...
National Program for Inspection of Non-Federal Dams. Bowers Dam (NH 00330) (NHWRB Number 165.04) Merrimack River Basin, Nashua, New Hampshire. Phase I Inspection ReportEarth damsBasins(Geographic)DamsEarth(Planet)EmbankmentsHazardsInspectionNew Hampshire...
National Program for Inspection of Non-Federal Dams. Supply Pond Dam (NH 00123), NHWRB 165.06, Merrimack River Basin, Nashua, New Hampshire. Phase I Inspection Report.*DAMSHAZARDSSTRUCTURESINSPECTIONRIVERSBASINS(GEOGRAPHIC)PONDSMASONRYNEW HAMPSHIRE....
National Program for Inspection of Non-Federal Dams, Harris Pond Dam (NH 00122), Merrimack River Basin, Nashua, New Hampshire. Phase I Inspection Report.Earth damsDamsHazardsInspectionPondsFloodsEarth fillsNew HampshireBasins(Geographic)RiversThe dam is a 450 ft. long, 35 ft. high earthfill dam...
National Program for Inspection of Non-Federal Dams. Mine Falls Dam (NH 00116) (NHWRB 165.01) Merrimack River Basin, Nashua, New Hampshire. Phase I Inspection ReportDamsBasins(Geographic)HazardsInspectionNew HampshireRiversThe dam is a stone masonry gravity dam with a total length of about 325 ...
National Program for Inspection of Non-Federal Dam. Holt Dam (NH 00327), Merrimack River Basin, Nashua, New Hampshire. Phase I Inspection Report.DamsBasins(Geographic)DamageEarth(Planet)EmbankmentsErosionHazardsNew HampshirePlant growthRiversThe dam is a small stone masonry and timber structure with ...
National Program for Inspection of Non-Federal Dams. Jackson Plant Dam NH 00121 NHWRB 165.02, Merrimack River Basin, Nashua, New Hampshire. Phase I Inspection Report.DamsHazardsInspectionNew hampshireVisual inspectionSafetyStabilityFloodingThe dam is a 33 ft. high gravity concrete and gravity stone ...