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Inevitably, near-perfect critic scores have led to a very keen following in the secondary market and the practice of ‘flipping.’ This is when a person on the mailing list buys their allocation and then puts it on the secondary market to turn in a healthy profit, as wines will sell for...
He priced it at $115 to profit a tidy hundred dollars, which was a good deal for the buyer as it’s currently listed for over $400! It took a couple weeks to sell, but finding the right buyer was just a matter of refreshing the listing once a week and practicing the art of patien...
So don’t be so hard on the “greenies”, they are trying to keep people in jobs and continue the mining, smelting, production, distribution, and consumer systems. So many love those ways, it’s worth their time and effort to tap that new green profit. And at the same time one can...
Intrigued by their rise in popularity, I decided to give the basics for those of you, like me, who love the story of anyone going from zero to hero. For the uninitiated, although the New Jersey Devils ice hockey team are now based in Newark, they were actually introduced as the Kansas...
not too likely, but not impossible by any means, and go to a war time economic and political economy, we might be able to produce enough food for all of us to eat, enough oil to get food from farm to table, keep cop cars running, keep hospitals open and cops on the road, etc…...
When I see what hospitals and staff are going through now it brings me to tears. I also have concerns for my daughter who is a flight attendant and has been flying up and down the west coast for months with lots of coughing people and not allowed any protective gear. She herself has ...
Recruitment: Calls for volunteers were made through posters in the local area, a radio interview, and non-profit newsletters; applications were taken online and on paper. A total of 13 adults between age 34 and 78 applied, of which nine online and four on paper at a public event describing...
But it’s also a tax-exempt organization that, like many hospitals, fought to preserve its not-for-profit status in the years leading up to the Affordable Care Act. As a result, it doesn’t have to pay tens of millions of dollars in taxes, but it is supposed to fulfill a loosely de...
To put it mildly, I’m not an expert on the history of Amazon, but I’d imagine the transition from profitless to profitable had something to do with establishing the logistical networks needed for lower cost delivery. I’m not sure the analogy to Tesla, a manufacturing/production co, is...