Managerial and Decision Economics Volume 12, Issue 1, pages 73–77, February 1991Additional Information How to Cite Reoibeau, P. (1991), Product differentiation and non-price competition by Ireland, N. Basil Black-well, 1988. Manage. Decis. Econ., 12: 73–77. doi: 10.1002/mde.4090120108 ...
Competition and Price Transparency in the Market for Lemons: Experimental Evidence In markets with asymmetric information, where equilibria are often inefficient, bargaining can help promote welfare. We design an experiment to examine the impact of competition and price transparency in such settings. Cons...
For more than 65 years Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union has been helping county, city, and school employees and affiliated organizations with financial services to help them realize their dreams. In addition to maintaining a passionate commitment to provide knowledgeable financial solutions to it...
Similarly, the proposed rule also runs afoul of the nondelegation doctrine. A statutory delegation is constitutional only so “long as Congress lays down by legislative act an intelligible principle” to cabin the agency’s discretion.[7]If the term “unfair methods of competition” is divorced f...
form of payment may mitigate some of this concern because target shareholders hoping to participate in any future appreciation are less likely, so goes the theory, to withhold important information. However, this does not address the issue of the fairness of the purchase price to target ...
In short, this theory articulates that the development of the natural resource sector can result in the contraction of the non-resource sector through mainly three channels: rent-seeking, real exchange rate appreciation, and transmission of the resource price volatility into the macroeconomic ...
(selling) shares. I also find that such strategic behavior is more evident when the expected price impact of the disclosures is greater and when the CEOs are more powerful. However, I do not find evidence that the strategic behavior is weaker for firms with high institutional stock ownership....
Non-priceCompetitionNon-pricecompetition involves two major elements: product development and advertising. The major aims of product development are to produce a product that will sell well (i.e. one in high or potentially high demand) and that is different from rivals’ products (i.e. has a...
Our theoretical foundation for trade patterns is the standard new trade monopolistic competition–CES demand–Iceberg trade costs model first introduced by Krugman (1980) and used by many since then. Producers operating under increasing returns in each country produce differentiated varieties that they sh...
small" (Eagly, 2016: 119). Sociologist Kreissl (2000: 10) wonders whether indeed the few successful women in classical male professions are so successful because in reality they are the "better men" and have internalised the value system of competition, assertiveness and egotism to perfection....