本文所披露的归母净利润以中国企业会计准则(People's Republic of China Financial Reporting Standards,或“PRC”)进行编制,币种为人民币。此外,本文所披露的财务数据均以国际财务报告准则(International Financial Reporting Standards,或“IFRS”)进行编制,币种为人民币。 公司2023年年度报告财务数据已经审计。 注:1....
The rights and remedies of the Company pursuant to this clause are cumulative, in addition to, and shall not be deemed to exclude, any other right or remedy which the Company may have pursuant to this Agreement or the fullest extent of PRC law. 本条款下的公司的权利和救济是可以累加的。上述...
non-GAAP净利润,顾名思义,是不遵循GAAP(一般公认会计准则)计算得出的利润数字。 很多国家都有自己的会计准则,通常与国际会计准则趋同,比如中国的PRC GAAP。美国比较特殊,它的会计准则,也就是US GAAP,与国际会计准则是并列的两大体系,这得益于美国发达的资本市场。但是US GAAP与国际会计准则也正在走向趋同,这有助于...
Timothy HillMark LinPatrick SherringtonDamon SoTerence Wongclick here
Income Tax Rules for Non-PRC ResidentsBo-Sen VonEdward H. H. Liu理律法律事务所理律法律杂志(英文)
HOTAIR采用四模块二级结构[144],分别通过其5 '和3 '模块与PRC2和Lsd1/REST/ corerest复合物在核内相互作用[253];然后将它们定位到特定的基因组位置,从而影响组蛋白修饰和基因沉默。在细胞质中,HOTAIR与E3泛素连接酶Dzip3和Mex3b结合,促进衰老细胞中Ataxin-1和Snurportin-1底物的泛素化和蛋白水解[251]。
TSX:IFCPRC 加拿大 / 财务状况 / 保险 货币C$添加至自选组合 银行10年历史财务状况 股票价格 22.50CAD Model Summary -- Key MetricsLatest Total Revenue28.94 B Net Profit Margin8.7% Total Assets59.526 B Total Equity18.148 B 10Y Historical Financial Statements ...
PRC Unrechtmäßiges Anbringen des GS-Prüfzeichens auf dem Produkt EU-Schutzklauselmeldung LT-0172-10 Unauthorized labelling of the GS-Mark on the product EU-Safeguard clause LT-0172-10 n.a. Tischventilator Table fan Golden Crown GC-8830 Manufacturer/Hersteller: ZORA-M.M.C. ...
54. ANRIL regulates gene expression by binding to PRC1 or PRC2 and mediates gene silencing at the INK4b-ARF-INK4a locus55. Increased expression or mutations in ANRIL are also associated with atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, and stroke56,57,58,59. ANRIL expression correlated with ...