(email: zhenbo. xu@hotmail.com) Scientific Reports | 6:36753 | DOI: 10.1038/srep36753 1 www.nature.com/scientificreports/ Sample name Total reads Total mapped Multiple mapped Uniquely mapped Read 1 mapped Read 2 mapped Reads mapped to plus strand Reads mapped to minus trand Reads mapped in...
Significant differences between the means plus or minus standard deviations (SDs) of different groups were examined using a two-tailed unpaired Student's t test. A P value of < 0.05 was regarded as statistically significant. Results In vitrosusceptibility testing The MICs of AMP, AZM, CLR, CF...
28T2:50:20. QQ-S-626D Forms: M 2JQes Forgings Flet productswith finishededges (barand strip) Teeqv?rs: Rsrmd red: As-extruded sort Hslf-hati Herd (copperalloy numbers260, 266, and 360 only) Strip: Annesied . @srter-herd Half-hsti Hard Extra-hard Spring Extra*ring For@tgs: As...
This way the maximum latency is equal to the number of ports in the router minus one. The impact on throughput should be negligible provided that packets are not incoming at the same time. The probability for this is higher when the traffic only consist of very small packets sent contin- ...
For the square queen 15-by-15, 20-by-20, and hexagonal 15-by-15 to 40-by-40, cases, an approximated Jacobian term plus the new MLE equations, as well as an approximated Jacobian term plus the conventional MLE implementation, were used; thus, the number of methods for these cases is ...
MTs possess inherent polarity consisting of a faster-growing plus end, where the majority of elongation occurs, and a slower-growing minus end, which is typically stabilized by interactions or anchorage with a variety of proteins [1–5]. Because the organization of MTs is adaptable to different...